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RIP Afterglow

Zike · 38 · 8478


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Jondy just made glow lose 20k dollars in skins by getting all of glow's accounts VAC'd
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 10:13:04 PM by Zike »


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If anyone has any contact with someone at Valve or anything, forward this to them or some shit. This is bullshit that Glow is paying for Jondy's dumb fucking ass behavior

Can't really believed this happened... I lent out a steam account to a friend who opted to cheat in CSGO, obviously unknowingly to me. This lead me to get banned on ALL my accounts since they were linked through the mobile phone app. Unfortunately, still had a ton of skins on some of em from the csgolounge days. You can call me stupid for leaving the skins on these accounts for so long, giving a csgo alt to a friend, etc, maybe I deserve it. Obviously I had no idea one VAC ban would ban all my other accounts otherwise I would never have given him an account. I purposely gave him an account with no skins in fact, just in case.

Accounts that got banned with skins:





My other accounts (with no skins since I cashed these ones out):





I don't know if there's any hope to get unbanned on the accounts which didn't hack (some which don't even own CS:GO), but if there is, I'd greatly appreciate hearing how to go about doing it. The steam staff can check for themselves and clearly see that the IP he logged into from isn't mine. Here’s his account which he got VAC’d on as well. For some reason he also hacked on his main account:

For those who don’t know who I am: My Youtube
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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It's a sad day indeed bros, a titan among us has fallen. Glow has forsaken JondyJ and outlawed him, a target, a walking bomb..Let us channel our inner energies and hope afterglow gets his main account unbanned..

As i walked amongst the distant graveyard of afterglows skins, i could hear the atoms from glows soul blaring across reality, but i saw something in the distance..a faint shadow, a red eye..it was jondy. I summoned my red hot 1000C katana from my pocket blade and charged at him, but the beast was quick. *swoosh* the beast jumped a tremendous distance, but alas, i was prepared to face such terrors in the night. Using my latent energy stored from the great well, i teleported behind the beast, and with one mighty swoop, he was cut in half.

The end of Jondy begins here, it begins..NOW


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I mean, it's against Steam's terms of service to share accounts, so it is no ones fault but his. As unfortunate as it may be I seriously doubt this can be appealed to valve.


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yeah valve isn't going to do shit since in their eyes it was still your fault
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 05:02:35 AM by John »


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smh tbh... That's pretty bad.  Hope jondy got some really sick frag video material in exchange for all of glow's accounts.

Reich | Jump.tf

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Yea, there's nothing you can do.

How does a VAC ban affect my phone number?

VAC bans will be applied to all accounts sharing a phone number at the time of the infraction. Accounts that do not own the game the VAC ban is for will still receive a VAC ban and won't be able to purchase the game moving forward.

The phone number on the VAC banned account(s) will be suspended for three months and cannot be added to another account during this time. If the phone number is later added to an account that receives a VAC ban, the duration of its suspension will be extended.
Note: This feature is not enabled for all games and is used at the discretion of the developer.


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Dr. Heinz

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smh tbh... That's pretty bad.  Hope jondy got some really sick frag video material in exchange for all of glow's accounts.
tbh, smh lol rofl lmao....



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Definately can't do anything about this. Fuck jondy though. Sorry glow


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Never played CSGO but man I feel sorry for glow. Hope he can get his account unbanned soon, if at all. I know usually that sharing accounts isn't allowed as steam sees it as being your own fault but, yeah. I don't want to sound like an asshole by saying "Fuck jondy" and whatever, but honestly, it was kind of a dick move by him in the first place to willingly get your account banned on purpose like that (if we can assume that's the case and he fully well knew what he was doing). Hopefully with any luck you can get unbanned, though I doubt it.

I mean honestly even if I knew someone really well, I still wouldn't let them use an alt, let alone if I know it's connected to my others and has a risk of getting me banned, but you do you, and stuff. 20k is a lot of money, even in the UK (Put a Brexit joke here, I guess) and even though I've never personally owned that much combined, that must be a huge bummer knowing all that money just went to waste, even if you were going to use it to fund college or university or some higher education like that. I know some people feel unsympathetic towards glow because "it was his fault" and whatever, but come on, 20k is a ton of money to lose, just think about that.

Unrelated to the topic, but I thought I should give some disclosure on this: I may comment on the forums like once or twice every few months just to see what's going on in the community but that's it. I don't intend to come back to TF2 anytime soon and I don't feel that way as it is, I've just lost the "want" to jump or play TF2. I mostly deleted people who I knew from jump I wouldn't talk to too often if it's not related to jumping in any way, and I just feel like that's what's better for me honestly. I think it's time for me to go ride into the sunset or whatever you feel like calling it, I don't mind if I didn't really contribute any great jumps to jump movies or whatever, to me it's all about the community. I know at times I was kind of an asshole to everyone and I don't want to come back to this game because I know that if I do, it'll just spark the asshole type thing back again in me. At the same time if I ever do decide to come back people will either not give a fuck, which is good because I can actually jump on my own and actually just jump because I feel it's fun (like I always have felt) or people will make it a huge fucking deal and whatever and say "oh welcome back for the 500th time jackass" and I'll just feel unmotivated to stay in the community again after that, so who knows? Maybe I'll come back, maybe not. But for now, I won't be. It is not the best choice for me I believe and I feel I would benefit better from staying in the dark for now.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 06:06:52 PM by HyperDan! »