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Raiin exposed?

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So recently a bunch of jumpers discovered something weird about 2 of Raiins videos. We found small cuts in the video, mostly seen because the viewmodel flicks slightly inbetween time regions where he walks straight without moving his mouse.

I already made a comment on his Aridia video seen here:

Youtube link so you can see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X11sj_YOoE

For the pagoda video you can clearly see the same type of cuts and same type of movement at around 0:15, 0:32, 0:58 and 1:40 respectively (might have missed some)
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-VbzVrd04I

Here is a video of RNC doing the same technique of using "getpos", editing it to make it less obvious and then using "setpos" to teleport to the exact same position he was when we wrote "getpos". Getpos can be bound to a key so its not a hard thing to do.

I could be wrong about everything but until we have a demo provided we can assume he has cheated his "runs".
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 03:16:36 PM by . »
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Yea, I personally cannot really believe someone doing aridia's last like that in a flawless run. It resembles casual's runs...
The music is pumping, the dance floor is jumping.


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wtf, if this is true, my world just collapsed


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Yea, I personally cannot really believe someone doing aridia's last like that in a flawless run. It resembles casual's runs...
indeed, anyways let's see if he shares the demo or not.


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I just wanted smoother edits in map showcases, and now this?

i cri  :'(

Also I should mention that I have an idea of how to remove the little viewmodel jagger entirely, but I haven't tried it yet. And now I'm not sure I will...

Watching the video back again I think i'll make some more test walking cuts. Mainly to see if I can manage to get one perfect.


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Wow What The Fuck Ra!in Man That Was Really UnExpected Like Literally Why Are You Doing This To The Community I Hope You Know You Are Killing It With This Shit Ok So If You Can Please UpLoad The Demo That Would Be Great If Not Just UnInstall You Game


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The reporter has made the following comment:
alt of alle to make retard posts

thanks flo
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 08:36:00 PM by . »
Make sure you subscribe to youtube.com/allebwai and follow twitch.tv/alletf for high quality content on a daily basis.


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The reporter has made the following comment:
alt of alle to make retard posts

thanks flo

No problem, retard.  :-*


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Wow What The Fuck Ra!in Man That Was Really UnExpected Like Literally Why Are You Doing This To The Community I Hope You Know You Are Killing It With This Shit Ok So If You Can Please UpLoad The Demo That Would Be Great If Not Just UnInstall You Game
Well hello there Mr.Caps  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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I just wanted smoother edits in map showcases, and now this?

i cri  :'(

Also I should mention that I have an idea of how to remove the little viewmodel jagger entirely, but I haven't tried it yet. And now I'm not sure I will...

Watching the video back again I think i'll make some more test walking cuts. Mainly to see if I can manage to get one perfect.

you should still try to remove the jaggy thing people can just post their demos to prove the runs legitimacy


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cody talked to raiin, i tried organizing the chat really fast so there might be repeated messages in it.


the fact he doesn't have a demo he can give that he recorded 2 days ago is really funny to me

your questions could have been done better

TL;DR he doesn't give a shit about tf2 jumping anymore + makes videos for attention. since he doesn't give a shit he just "deletes" demos since who gives a fuck. he doesn't care if you think they're flawless or not.

he's not going to answer your questions upfront at all

the basis that i found from this post is that raiin cheats and the tf2 jump community is retarded and needs to work on how to ask questions better. raiin isn't a god anymore!!! he also left to surf where he actually has skill in so

"10:45 AM - i%: regardless of what you really think, tell people its not legit"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 12:30:33 PM by John »


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cody talked to raiin, i tried organizing the chat really fast so there might be repeated messages in it.


the fact he doesn't have a demo he can give that he recorded 2 days ago is really funny to me

your questions could have been done better

TL;DR he doesn't give a shit about tf2 jumping anymore + makes videos for attention. since he doesn't give a shit he just "deletes" demos since who gives a fuck. he doesn't care if you think they're flawless or not.

he's not going to answer your questions upfront at all

the basis that i found from this post is that raiin cheats and the tf2 jump community is retarded and cares too much about trivial things. raiin isn't a god anymore!!! he also left to surf where he actually has skill in so

"10:45 AM - i%: regardless of what you really think, tell people its not legit"

It's a pretty big thing seeing as a lot of people look up to Raiin and spend a lot of time on these maps to get a WR time on them, and that Raiin is putting the smallest amount of effort into these in order to give himself a lot of exposure. Thanks for putting your 2 cents in though.

reworded my post because i just woke up and was going better with what i was going at.

sure it's a big thing i understand that now after i've woken up. my point still stands that the questions could have been better and you could have gotten more contradictions / a confession in the end if the cards were played correctly

from his responses you can definitely gather that he's demo cutting and to a point cheating if you believe that raiin still cares about his jumping reputation at the slightest. maybe those 10k hours meant something to him and if he really wasn't cheating he'd be spewing out demos and proof left and right to show that he really is good at the game.

but since he didn't and just tells people to say it's not legit, might as well assume he has cheated. he doesn't need to show proof that he cheated if the general consensus is that he did cheat.

if the questions were discussed before a confrontation we might have been able to get more contradictions and flaws (ha) in his statements and use those against him for a stronger argument.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 12:38:31 PM by John »


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i love how i don't care wether he did or not, makes this all so much more fun.

That being said, i didn't see any indication in that chatlog that he is cutting, he could still be though, just nothing in the chatlog actually indicates it, in fact, i'm suprised he even went on talking to cody at all after getting attacked like that.
Like, sure.. i think i would've reacted differently, but i can very well imagine someone reacting like he did, without having cheated at all. so ye... evidence that chatlog is not.

But ahwell, thats my 2 cents, have fun with your drama, i know i will ^^