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Oatmeal's offline jumping script (Regen, Teleports, stuff)

Oatmeal · 18 · 29831


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A friend asked me for the script I am using, so I've added comments and stuff already. I guess I might as well post it here for new players.

It's pretty much just a compilation of the other scripts that were posted here before:
  • Teleports (<Alt>+<F1> to save, <F1> to teleport back)
  • Regen loop
  • Noclip (set to mouse4, change to whatever)
  • Deactivate random crits, spread, respawn times, waiting for players
It doesn't use the hurtme command to give you silly amounts of health since that makes me lag pretty hard but the loop works fine anyway, you can add it again if you have no problems with that.


Code: [Select]
sv_cheats "1"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
tf_weapon_criticals "0"
tf_damage_disablespread "1"
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1"
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "1"
mp_disable_respawn_times "1"

give func_regenerate
bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop"
alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null"
alias regenloop "+loop"
alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"

echo "#### Regen activated ####"

//Offline Teleports
con_timestamp 0
con_logfile console.log

bind F1 gotoPosition1
bind F2 gotoPosition2
bind F3 gotoPosition3
bind F4 gotoPosition4
bind F5 gotoPosition5
bind ALT +savePosition

alias +savePosition "bind F1 savePosition1; bind F2 savePosition2; bind F3 savePosition3; bind F4 savePosition4; bind F5 savePosition5"
alias -savePosition "bind F1 gotoPosition1; bind F2 gotoPosition2; bind F3 gotoPosition3; bind F4 gotoPosition4; bind F5 gotoPosition5"
alias resetLogfile "con_logfile console.log"
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias gotoPosition1 "exec position1.log"
alias gotoPosition2 "exec position2.log"
alias gotoPosition3 "exec position3.log"
alias gotoPosition4 "exec position4.log"
alias gotoPosition5 "exec position5.log"

echo "##### Listen server teleports loaded #####"
echo "#  Use <Alt> + <F1> to save a location   #"
echo "#  Use <F1> to teleport to that location #"
echo "#  <F1> - <F5> are available             #"

// Noclip button
bind mouse4 noclip

// Disable waiting for players and respawn times again (on demand)
alias annoyingshit "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1; mp_disable_respawn_times 1"
bind mouse3 annoyingshit

echo "#### Jumping script loaded #####"

Copy this into a text file. Rename the file to "jumping.cfg" and copy it to "\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg" .
Type "exec jumping" in console to execute.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 05:49:27 PM by Oatmeal »


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would be nice if it had the option to toggle ammo regen on and off


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if you guys want i can upload mine, it has noclip, show triggers, show clip, restart game, start/restart/stop demos, toggle infinite ammo, auto health buff, and cancels waiting for players


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would be nice if it had the option to toggle ammo regen on and off

Change the regen block to this:

Code: [Select]
bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop; bind mouse5 unregen"
alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null; unbind mouse1; bind mouse1 +attack; bind mouse5 regen"
alias regenloop "+loop"
alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"

echo "#### Regen activated ####"

This uses mouse5 as toggle button, you can change it to whatever button you want.


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sv_cheats 1
bind w "+forward; impulse 101"
bind s "+back; impulse 101"
bind d "+moveright; impulse 101"
bind a "+moveleft; impulse 101"
bind mouse1 "impulse 101"
bind mouse2 "impulse 101"
echo "Exile is cool"


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sv_cheats 1
bind w "+forward; impulse 101"
bind s "+back; impulse 101"
bind d "+moveright; impulse 101"
bind a "+moveleft; impulse 101"
bind mouse1 "impulse 101"
bind mouse2 "impulse 101"
echo "Exile is cool"
if you forgot the +attack on the mouse1


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so i changed a few things to match my cfg i just want to start with regen off and have the option to turn it on how do i do that ? heres my cfg file
exec crosshairswitcher/disable

bind "1" "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind "2" "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind "3" "slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1"

//alias +rocketjump "+attack;+jump"
//alias -rocketjump "-attack;-jump"
//bind "Mouse2" "+rocketjump"
sv_cheats 1
unbind MOUSE2

sv_cheats "1"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
tf_weapon_criticals "0"
tf_damage_disablespread "1"
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1"
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "1"
mp_disable_respawn_times "1"
mp_restartgame "1"

bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop; bind F2 unregen"
alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null; unbind mouse1; bind mouse1 +attack; bind E "regen; voicemenu 0 0";"
alias regenloop "+loop"
alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"

echo "#### Regen activated ####"

//Offline Teleports
con_timestamp 0
con_logfile console.log

bind F1 gotoPosition1

bind ALT +savePosition

alias +savePosition "bind F1 savePosition1"
alias -savePosition "bind F1 gotoPosition1"
alias resetLogfile "con_logfile console.log"
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias gotoPosition1 "exec position1.log"

echo "##### Listen server teleports loaded #####"
echo "#  Use <Alt> + <F1> to save a location   #"
echo "#  Use <F1> to teleport to that location #"
echo "#  <F1> - <F5> are available             #"

echo "#### Jumping script loaded #####"


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so i changed a few things to match my cfg i just want to start with regen off and have the option to turn it on how do i do that ?

See http://tf2rj.com/forum/index.php?topic=46.msg203#msg203
Eventually remove the hurtme thing if that makes you lag.


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also because I lose my favorite servers alot

echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "                   Bball Servers"
echo "Please To be Enjoying Bball"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "ClanAo Jump Sever"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Jump Hell"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "TPN Skills Rank"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo " Meow Meow Jump"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Jump.tf"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "++ Rjump East Coast Jump | Beginner [NY]"
echo ""
echo "++ Rjump East Coast Jump | Advanced [NY]"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "[RNCJ] Really Not Care Jump"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "                   Tempus Servers"
echo "TF2RJweekly Jump | WEST"
echo ""
echo "TF2RJweekly Jump | EAST"
echo ""
echo "TPN Jump Server | Somewhere in Europe"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Exile is cool as fuck"


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Something about this script is off. When testing a map, I always leave it off to check the regen triggers. Yet as soon as sv_cheats is turned on, it still applies the regen when mouse 1 is released. Removing the cfg file doesn't help. The only way to stop it is to leave cheats off.

Dr. Heinz

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Because tf2 now has mouse1 saved as attack and impulse 101 and always tries to exec it, but only can do that when it has sv_cheats 1
just put in tour autoexec "bind mouse1 +attack". And if you want it nornal after regen just exec autoexec.


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Code: [Select]
unbind mouse1
bind mouse1 +attack

In your autoexec or wherever will set mouse1 to the standard behavior. You can just remove the mouse1 bind from the regen script too, it just gives you extra regen besides the regen loop. The script still works without it.


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Not sure if there is gravedigging here, but just curious, what is mouse4 and mouse5?
Why do you read this like it doesn't even matter just read my message its probably more important