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Beginnings 6

False_ · 33 · 16379


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The Sixth Annual Jumping Competition
Beginnings 6
Starting January First
What is Beginnings 6
An annual jumping competition, featuring 6 new maps, prizes, and high-production edits for winning submissions.

Stage 1 Soldier
jump_mowi, by Lopez, False_, and Shunix
Stage 1 Demo
jump_halcyon, by consition and sitood
Stage 2 Soldier
jump_bromelia, by donuttt and Shunix
Stage 2 Demo
jump_luminous, by scotch
Stage 3 Soldier
jump_orestes, by Shunix
Stage 3 Demo
jump_sylvan, by False_

Maps will begin release on January 1st!
Stage 1 will release the first week.
Stage 2 will release on January 8th.
Stage 3 will release on January 15th.

Stage 1 run deadline will be on January 22nd, 23:59 EDT.
Stage 2 run deadline will be on January 29th, 23:59 EDT.
Stage 3 run deadline will be on February 5th, 23:59 EDT.

Donor Shoutouts
Donations worth 5 keys ($10 USD) or greater will grant you a shoutout at the end of each map and each beginnings speedrun video.
Deadline for donation shoutouts will be on Januaray 21st.
Map shoutouts will be added to maps after their release, sometime after the event.

- No use of TAS
- No using setpos for telesyncs
- No noclip
- No B.A.S.E Jumper
- No using console cheats such as sv_gravity, slomo, buddha etc commands
- No cl_pitchdown / console-assisted angled bhops
- Tempus runs will be accepted. All BG6 Tempus run demos will be auto-uploaded on tempus.xyz
- This also means any plugins that are a part of Tempus will also be allowed for use in offline runs.
- No submissions can be done in Momentum Mod (this year ;))

Speedrun Rules
Soldier's Weapons Whitelist
[PRIMARY] Stock Rocket Launcher / Original / Cow Mangler
[SECONDARY] Shotgun / Gunboats
[MELEE] Shovel or Comparable melee weapon
Demoman's Weapons Whitelist
[PRIMARY] Stock Grenade Launcher ONLY (No Ali Baba's Wee Booties/Bootlegger/Loose Cannon/etc)
[SECONDARY] Sticky Launcher ONLY (No Chargin' Targe/Scottish Resistance/Sticky Jumper/etc)
[MELEE] Bottle and any comparable melee weapon (no caber)

No hurtme!
No ammo/health regen scripts!

Speedrun Guidelines
Run Deadlines
Stage 1 run deadline will be on January 22nd, 23:59 EDT.
Stage 2 run deadline will be on January 29th, 23:59 EDT.
Stage 3 run deadline will be on February 5th, 23:59 EDT.

All Tempus runs counts as automatic submissions, and their demos do not need to be emailed. Shoutouts will be given to the top 10 runs (offline and Tempus combined).

How to name your demos
Name your demo in this format:  bg6_name_map_time_tick_demotype
Example:  bg6_false_mowi_1-46-3_205832_POV
This would be a 1:46.3 run on jump_mowi by false that starts at tick 205832.  Naming your demo correctly makes it much easier to find and watch demos. POV and STV are required for offline runs, POV demos may be excused if the run you are submitting took place on Tempus.

Trickjump Guidelines
There will be 3 trickjump categories this year, soldier, demo, and co-op. Any class can be accepted for the co-op category. You can submit a max of 4 jumps for solo and 3 jumps for co-op (so you can submit 11 total if you want).

We will be accepting trickjumps from December 25th to February 5th, 23:59 EDT!

We will also be accepting trickjumps done before the event, so if you have old trickjumps laying around, feel free to submit, however they will be penalized for being old submissions.

If you are submitting a trickjump done during the event, your trickjump must have you saying 'bg6 :)' in the demo, after you have completed your trickjump. This ensures your trickjump will not be penalized.

Here is a pack of freestyle maps made for trickjumping, but feel free to explore outside these options: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o5r6oy7cbvgvsin/Freestyle%20Maps.zip?dl=0

Additionally, because of last year, we will not be accepting trickjumps that change class mechanics, such as giving soldier a stickybomb launcher. Sorry exile

How to name your demos
Name your demo in this format:  bg6_name(s)_category_map_tick_demotype
Example (solo jump):  bg6_false_solo_bigbutt_1738_pov
Example (co-op jump):  bg6_false_exile_coop_hugebutt_39573_stv
Please include both POV and STV demos or your submission might not be reviewed.

Prize Pool Breakdown
All Maps - 84%
Per Stage - 14%
1st - 8%
2nd - 4%
3rd - 2%

Soldier Trickjump - 5.33%
1st - 2.75%
2nd - 1.58%
3rd - 1%

Demo Trickjump - 5.33%
1st - 2.75%
2nd - 1.58%
3rd - 1%

Collab Trickjump - 5.33%
1st - 2.75%
2nd - 1.58%
3rd - 1%

Submitting Runs
Email your submissions to tf2rjdropbox@gmail.com in the following format:

Map Speedrun
Subject line:  BG6 Speedrun


Subject line: BG6 Trickjump


Subject line:  BG6 Speedrun
Name: False_
steamid64: 76561198044272896
Map: jump_mowi
Time: 1:46.3
Tick(s): 205832
Demos: drive.google.com/open?id=1mxpMoIiQAQYOszmGqSfj6ehG8VsT9Gm3


Subject line:  BG6 Trickjump
Name: False_ & exile
steamid64: 76561198044272896 & 76561198180246171
Map : freestyle_chromatic
Tick(s): 130000
Demos: mediafire.com

Please upload demos to
- Mediafire
- MEGA.nz
- Dropbox
- Google Drive

Demos uploaded to sites other than the ones listed will not be reviewed.

You can find your id64 at https://steamidfinder.com/ or https://steamrep.com/
« Last Edit: January 09, 2020, 04:40:06 PM by False_ »


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So the biggest problem I see to start is who honestly thought starting this on Christmas day was a good idea like wtf? A lot of people travel and are busy for the holidays this is just a big middle finger to anyone who actually has familial obligations. Yeah you can argue that well there's like 2-4 weeks to play, but that's still straight up putting people at a disadvantage.

The next big problem is trickjumps. There were many people including myself that had suggested not allowing old demos to be submitted. It's very stupid that mireal or jorge (no flame to these beast airpogo gamers) can submit a jump from 2016 and win despite not having opened the game in over a year. I've yet to hear a good counterargument to a point Boshy brought up in his BG6 suggestion pastebin (https://pastebin.com/qijVaNKV) where just allow these old tricks but penalize anything not done during the actual event. It's also not like there wasn't a lack of time to discuss this seeing as this pastebin is from September and supposedly the organizers had read it but didn't bother to ask the community about trying to change this.

Another issue related to trickjumping and allowing older jumps has to do with the current prize pool distributions. 1st place solo is 4.4% of the prize pool while 2nd place on a map is only 4%. What this means that if someone like jorge with a ton of old stockpiled trickjumps wants to submit he realistically could win more of the prize pool than someone that actually plays during the event itself. This is both a flaw in the prize pool distribution and in the allowing old trick jumps.

Another issue with trickjumps is that it's not a smart idea to only have a solo category and combine demo and soldier. Unless I'm reading this wrong, what's going to happen is you're just going to have 3 soldier jumps win the solo category. Solo demo and soldier tricks are not really comparable and there's a general bias towards soldier in everything. There's literally no point in choosing to between demo and soldier trickjumping when soldier would just give you a higher chance of winning.

This last issue also with tricks is kinda minor, but the weapon swapping plugin to do stuff with both rockets and stickies should not be allowed. It was really entertaining and creative first seeing it last year, but it's incredibly gimmicky and with this change of no class specific solo tricks you're actively disadvantaging yourself really by not using it. There's much more you can do with both guns compared to only one. This was another suggestion in the aforementioned pastebin that the organizers should be aware of but wrote off without any comment for whatever reason despite the few people I've talked to about the subject agreeing.

I understand that putting together these events is a lot of work for not a whole lot of praise especially this year with all the problems related to getting the maps done but it's disappointing to see so many shortsighted or lazy decisions that could've been improved with a simple forum post shorter than this reply.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 01:26:47 PM by Zike »


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I'd like to add to zike's post saying that anyone who wants to play all 6 maps is at a disadvantage from the start which doesnt really matter for tf2 as its not a big esport but still doesnt make sense why you should be punished for wanting to do well on all maps (you already get somewhat handicapped if you want to play both classes).

Going back to the usual 2 maps per week (soldier + demo) is the least complicated idea that makes it fair, alternatively you could introduce performance points (like in bg1) and have one OVERALL winner instead of winner per map (helps with prize distribution too).

Additionally I dont see how getting 2nd on a map is worth the same (less actually) than getting 1st in trickjumping ESPECIALLY when you allow old jumps to be submitted so someone couldve grinded a trickjump in the past specifically for this and would win with no effort. My penalty suggestion seemed like a good solution to this but i dont think a SPEEDRUNNING competition should reward trickjumping that much anyway.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 01:32:29 PM by Boshy »


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Having both soldier and demo competing against each other is trickjumps is kinda... not good. Firstly, this assumes both classes are directly comparable which I disagree with. This also requires judges who understand both classes equally which is nigh impossible.

From what I recall there was a discussion about having a person type "bg6" at the start of each demo, but a counterargument is that these jumps could be practiced (or completed) beforehand and then just redone for the competition. The best remedy would be to have a completely new trickjumping map but that leads to other issues such as limiting freedom and whatnot. Imo, I would still rather have a person type "bg6" at the start because at least the jump would have been completed in the correct time span. 

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Beginnings isn't just a speedrunning competition, it's more a jumping competition. So I stand with still rewarding trickjumping.

I would also like having two maps per week as well. Since (and this was pointed out last year) everyone only ran those two maps due that week anyways.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 01:36:08 PM by Superchuck »
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Would've been nice if you asked people about starting on Christmas Day, lol


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Beginnings isn't just a speedrunning competition, it's more a jumping competition. So I stand with still rewarding trickjumping.

I never said you shouldnt reward trickjumping, I just think it should be a fair bit less than the current prize distribution considering way less people trickjump and you also have more time to grind a trickjump (or you can even use an old one) which makes it far less impressive.


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in case people missed the announcement in the discord you can vote here about changing the start date



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in case people missed the announcement in the discord you can vote here about changing the start date


I just realized that this poll is just prolonging the event rather than moving the start date. Wasnt that supposed to be the point of the poll?

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Alright I'm typing this on my phone and agree with some stuff that was said here.
First, I'm also not a fan of older trickjumps being allowed, but then again I don't do much trickjumping.
Next, I think the start date should be pushed back or the event should be prolonged for at least a month. It is unfair for a lot of people who are with their families and not at their optimal computer gameing setup for team fortress two.
Personally, I think the prize distribution is fine since it gives lower tiered jumpers a chance to at least walk away with some money instead of barely anything.
Also waaaah I want more points, optimize this event for me waaaah waaaaaaaaaaah


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1. what's the problem with old trickjumps? as long as they haven't been used before and they're actually somehow better than anything people come up with now, why shouldn't they win? it would be really weird to have a jump get 2nd place that is obviously better than the 1st place jump, but got penalized just for being old.

2. trickjumpers have no incentive compared to speedrunners (tempus points), and in my obviously biased opinion trickjumps should be rewarded just as much as speedruns. boshy said they "aren't as impressive" which might be true to him but it's certainly not the case for me. the thing about trickjumps that impress me is the insane creativity that some people have, not the mechanics required to pull them off (note: this does mean that i think 99% of demo trickjumps are unimpressive).

3. as you are making a distinction between demo and soldier trickjumps, plugins that make it harder to put a jump into one category over the other should be banned (weapon swap plugin)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 08:56:31 PM by gibus »