Yo, I tried out your map, and there's a few jumps that seem pretty hard for soldier. (If I'm just not doing them right though, let me know)
3 is the first jump I had trouble with.
If you're meant to edgebug on the smallest ledge there, that seems really hard because of the approach. And if you're meant to edgebug to the left of that, you have to slow down a lot to hit it, so you won't be able to get to the catapult.
5 seems almost doable, but after the edgebug, i was never going fast enough to hit the next catapult. There is a cheat, however. You can shoot yourself backwards straight after doing the starting catapult and fly right to the second.
The transition from the second to third catapult on 7 also seems absurdly hard.
On level 8, after the first catapult, I could never get to the second because I would bonk every time.
The ceiling does transition to be a bit higher about halfway between them though, so are you meant to get to that before you bonk? Because if so, that also seems absurdly hard.
The rest of the jumps are alright.

PS: The bonuses are very nice, especially b1
PPS: The strafe at the end of level 6 is a bit mean for soldier, but it's ok if you don't change it.