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Decision: bohy

scotch · 38 · 18615


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Recently, numerous concerns have been raised by the community over the player Boshy.

These concerns include:
  • The handling of player bug and map exploitations
  • Inconsistent or biased selection/urgency in dealing with and addressing issues
  • Bias in selecting maps to be zoned
  • Conflicting interest between Admin duties and player position
  • Modifying zone triggers to purposefully inhibit other players
  • Exploiting a bug to dereference SourceTV demos to hide strategies or incriminating evidence, and cheating Trick and Bonus times

Before we dive into these points, it's important to remember that harassing or targetting players, for any reason, is unacceptable. If people wish to be left alone, please adhere to their request.

  • The handling of player bug and map exploitations

    Bug and map exploitations are very time sensitive, as the usual pattern for such situations ends up being that your workload as an Admin will increase the longer an exploit is active. The rules surrounding this are dubious at best, but you can safely assume that doing something that an Admin will eventually have to delete or fix, will result in some form of punishment. Of course, this isn't made particularly clear to players, so avenues to properly report, as well as the rules governing exploits, will be made more clear.

    In general, an exploit that has existed for enough time for it to be an accepted method of completing the map (e.g. Annex C1), and especially one that is necessary to remain competitive, will not be fixed on Tempus. Conversely, an exploit that is not known or accepted by the community or has been very recently discovered, will more than likely be shut down and reviewed. The crux of such issues comes down to where the exploit can be placed on the gradient between game breaking and strat, and this is not something that can be done easily by one person.

    I'm of the opinion that Boshy acted correctly by swiftly and decisively halting and addressing the exploits, and I believe he acted with the Tempus community's best interests in mind.

    Clearly, some players felt that the green box exploit on jump_housebeta fell more on the side of strat than game breaking. Due to this, a review of this exploit will be conducted, and a community poll held if necessary.

  • Inconsistent or biased selection/urgency in dealing with and addressing issues

    Boshy has been the only Admin dealing with the majority of issues in recent times, so any failure to address particular issues is shared by all other Admins, those being myself and others. As for whether there was bias in selecting which issues to address, I believe this simply comes down to the prioritisation of issues.
    In any case, to prevent such a situation from occurring again, new Tempus Admins will be sought out, and existing Moderators will be empowered to handle more situations.

  • Bias in selecting maps to be zone

    This is something that has always existed, at least to some degree. We attempted to solve this internally by having a group review for maps, but again, with the loss and inactivity of other Admins this left Boshy without any support.

  • Conflicting interest between Admin duties and player position
    This is in a similar vein as the previous issues, where the key takeaway is that decisions should ideally be made by more than one person, so that conflicts of interest and bias are mitigated.

  • Modifying zone triggers to purposefully inhibit other players

    Consulting historical zone data reveals that the start and end zones for jump_gaylord Bonus 2 were modified multiple times in ways that were detrimental to any player attempting to complete the jump.

    Original zones (2016-07-24)
    One day after first completion (2018-02-03)
    Current zones
    Note: yellow is the mixing of green/red

    Start zone:
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)

    End zone:
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)

    As seen in the above images, there was a direct attempt to inhibit players through zone modification.

  • Exploiting a bug to dereference SourceTV demos from times in order to hide strategies and incriminating evidence, and cheating Trick and Bonus times

    The community has presented significant amounts of evidence that incriminate Boshy with cheating Trick and Bonus times, as well as attempting to hide the evidence by exploiting a bug. While I don't have any evidence to add to this, this situation has illustrated the need for accountability within Tempus. Consequently, safeguards are being developed internally to ensure that there is complete accountability and responsibility for every action of all Tempus staff in game.

  • Boshy will be stripped of all Tempus privileges and roles
  • All Bonus and Trick runs will be removed from their account
  • Boshy will receive a 3-month ban from Tempus
  • Boshy will be placed under an additional 3-month probation following the expiry of the ban, which will include harsher punishments for breaking rules

Boshy will not be receiving a full wipe as there is no evidence of any cheated map or course records. Additionally, the existence of these times provide a competitive baseline for players to match and as such, we would like to maintain them.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 04:38:27 PM by Exile »


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1.Boshy's apologize cost nothing, these words are just words he had to say, and trust in him is lost (who knows if he won't use freeze glitch for bonuses again).
2. I don't agree with 3-month ban. Boshy is a very good friend of scotch, so he is not treated strictly, let's be fucking honest. Rules are rules, everybody is equal, but some persons like boshy are more equal, right? Because he has contributed in to jump community soo much, right (He added maps, he zones maps, he has +70% of map wrs and everything)??
3. So how exactly dereference SourceTV demos problem is going to be solved?


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Considering the fact that i've been permanently banned (perma is justifiable but the wipe is not) and wiped for something much less significant (to the community) is sickening.

Boshy does not need to be wiped but 3 months is a joke.

And the Dream apology copy pasta is really bad.


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Thank you Scotch for handling this very professionally. The punishment seems thoroughly thought out and reasonable for the most part. However at this scale I do believe you might have misjudged what an appropriate length for the ban would be. I for one think that for a punishment that covers everything ranging from editing zones to teleporting in order to break bonus records and even freezeglitching as well as hiding evidence and lying for as long as he could (for example about gaylord zones), 3 months is just not enough at all. I request you to reconsider this matter together with current, upcoming or even previous yet trustworthy members of the staff team. I wish to see it being extended to a more reasonable duration of anywhere between 6-12 months.

PS. I'm assuming you didn't have the time to go through all zones and see which ones were changed and by who. Could this tool be made public for the sake of transparency?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 08:08:19 AM by Kattocate »


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Like Pinki has mentioned, people (including themselves) have been wiped for things much less serious than what Boshy did, I also believe that boshy's sentence should be longer. He freezeglitched bonus WRs, and used admin powers to modify zoning to benefit himself. I think that 3 months is very lenient considering the amount of power boshy held as admin during the time that he did these cheats. This isn't just a normal user cheating, this is an admin - a person above almost everyone in the server.

If freezeglitching results in a wipe but using admin commands and freezeglitching only warrants a 3 month ban and partial wipe, what kind of ruleset dictates boshy's punishment? Was this a scotch only decision or was this consulted through other admins. I respect scotch for his professionalism during this time and the thought that he has gone through to make a suitable punishment, however - keep in mind that boshy also willingly tried to hide evidence and lied about cheating until more evidence came to light and become extremely silent, and I think this needs to be accounted for within his punishment, as from my point of view, it seems that only his freezeglitching and zone editing have been taken into accounted, and not his attempts to cover up the times that were illegitimate and his multiple previous attempts to "prove his innocence" in zike's original thread.

As much as I respect boshy for what he has done for Tempus, I believe that he should have a punishment equal to those that have been handed out to others in the past for much lesser things and were much harsher. I do believe there is some leniency at play with his punishment and I think consideration should be may to possibly extend the 3-month ban to 5-6 months, or possibly even 7-8 months.

It's clear that bonus records and jumping as a whole has effected Boshy mentally in one way or another, and I believe he needs time to heal from this stress, irritation and any other problems that has been caused by his dedication to jumping. I think that 5-6 months is enough time to allow him to take time off jumping as a whole, work out a better positive mental attitude towards jumping and to better himself in any other ways deemed necessary.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 08:11:40 AM by HyperDan »


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Personally i think 3 months is on the extreme end of reasonable punishment for this. Any longer would be kinda fucked, and I'm not convinced people are arguing for longer bans for anything other than "hehe it'd be funny if we could take boshy wrs finally xD"

Keep in mind it's literally fucking bonuses lmao they shouldn't even reward points on tempus stop acting like you apes care so much

It goes without saying none of his actual runs are cheated and ill die on that hill


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Didn't song get full wiped for macro'ing a few bonuses? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with recent happenings on Tempus. I just think the punishments should be consistent for all players, so therefore I suggest a full wipe instead of a long ban. With that said,  I think boshy's apology sounds sincere. He is a pillar of the community regardless of any personal grudges against him.


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I disagree with the dismissal that a lot of people have of bonus and trick cheating that I feel played a part in the ban length. If they didn't matter, then why is he cheating them? What competition is for most people is a mix of personal achievement and the image other people hold of your skill level. Boshy cheating imo shows that he cares way more about one than the other. Considering that, I think the line between maps/courses and bonuses/tricks isn't that defined. It's part of the same image, especially for boshy who has a reputation of being at the top of tempus in almost every aspect. If he is capable of cheating to boost his image in one way, I see no reason why he wouldn't cheat in other less detectable ways. The idea that someone who cheats in one aspect of a competition would be seen as legitimate in all other ways, would seem ridiculous to any other competitive community. While I think a full wipe would make sense, I understand that it could have a negative impact on the community, so I'm ok with bonus/trick wipe only. However I'm not ok with a ban length that is equal to a short break from jumping, that most people take anyway. That does not reflect the weight of the situation at all.


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Boshy, you used your admin powers to cheat.

Boshy, you deleted evidence of your cheating.

Boshy, you denied surfaced evidence of your cheating.

Scotch, you gave this dude 3 months?

Any other community would have perma shunned him.

Punishment of cheaters is about regaining the trust in the community.

When players join a jump server and see "Boshy" as the world record holder who is not as familiar with all of this, they will question the validity of the record. They'll say "Hey, isn't this the cheater? Why does he still have a time?"

Why are we letting Boshy back into this community after he stained it in his position of top jumper and an admin? Is it because he has fast times? What does it show about this community if we treat players differently in punishments whether they are better or hold power or not. This shows inconsistencies by admins and does not look good. (I'm not saying punishments should be based on prior punishments of other players, but it doesn't look good when there are inconsistencies. And I'm NOT saying this is the reason Scotch handled it like this, but don't you see how this looks to those banned and wiped before for less?)

I respect the decision Scotch made, but I would've handled it differently.

yeye out  8)

« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 08:41:41 AM by yeye »


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Considering the fact that i've been permanently banned (perma is justifiable but the wipe is not) and wiped for something much less significant (to the community) is sickening.

Boshy does not need to be wiped but 3 months is a joke.

And the Dream apology copy pasta is really bad.

You might want to reconsider what's more and what's less significant


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Considering the fact that i've been permanently banned (perma is justifiable but the wipe is not) and wiped for something much less significant (to the community) is sickening.

Boshy does not need to be wiped but 3 months is a joke.

And the Dream apology copy pasta is really bad.

You might want to reconsider what's more and what's less significant

Man i cant believe, you finally manned up to stand up while there is noone to defend you!!! But if you think i harmed community more than boshy you are either stupid or really stupid.
Anyways back to topic cutie  8)


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"Clearly, some players felt that the green box exploit on jump_housebeta fell more on the side of strat than game breaking. Due to this, a review of this exploit will be conducted, and a community poll held if necessary."

poll would be a good choice

but I also feel like this matter would benefit from a poll as well. perhaps a poll to re-evaluate the ban length or anything else necessary? it seems like a lot of people do not agree with the ban duration


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"Clearly, some players felt that the green box exploit on jump_housebeta fell more on the side of strat than game breaking. Due to this, a review of this exploit will be conducted, and a community poll held if necessary."

poll would be a good choice

but I also feel like this matter would benefit from a poll as well. perhaps a poll to re-evaluate the ban length or anything else necessary? it seems like a lot of people do not agree with the ban duration

polls are not always the best option because most people have bad opinions and don't know what they want. this decision happening behind closed doors would be fine as long as there's more than 1 person making it, hence why so many people have been asking for new admins as a result of this whole Drama.


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"Clearly, some players felt that the green box exploit on jump_housebeta fell more on the side of strat than game breaking. Due to this, a review of this exploit will be conducted, and a community poll held if necessary."

poll would be a good choice

but I also feel like this matter would benefit from a poll as well. perhaps a poll to re-evaluate the ban length or anything else necessary? it seems like a lot of people do not agree with the ban duration

polls are not always the best option because most people have bad opinions and don't know what they want. this decision happening behind closed doors would be fine as long as there's more than 1 person making it, hence why so many people have been asking for new admins as a result of this whole Drama.

I agree on the fact that polls are always not the way to go. However to me it clearly seems that most people (even JA administration) think this ban duration is a joke. Polling could further prove that this ban might be what only 5% of the community actually wants

5% was an example percentage and does not represent any real support on this issue.