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Noltron · 12 · 13919


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So I'm attempting to make my first map, having courses completable for beginners, but also interesting for speedrunners, hense I'm making my map with two separate mindsets.

I have some questions for you guys but first let me show you/explain my map.

I would like to make this map have 9 courses with 6 stages and one bonus per level, so far I have completed the beta for courses 1 and 2 and am working on courses 3 and 4.

Here is a short vidya of the first 2 courses but keep in mind these jumps are totally subject to change.

ok and course 4

The colors of my map are based off a game called velocibox which has 4 colors per level.
There are two wall colors, one collectable color and one obstacle color.
The gridless walls and floors will absorb rockets. The "obstacle colored" brushes will teleport you back to the start of the jump.

Course1 (beta):
Beginners: Verticle Walls
Speedrunners: Do a quint to get you started off with a good time, make sure you use /setstart and /restart wisely ;) however I've tested it, you can get to the top with a triple, so I might change it around so you can only get to the top with a quint or rather get a significantly better time

Course2 (beta):
Beginners: Horizontal Walls
Speedrunners: Chain some speedshots to start your speed and finish up maintaining with some rampslides and walls

Course3: (alpha/1 jump half done)
Beginners: Strafe Course
Speedrunners: I want to include some bounces or edgebugs along the way but im thinking of other ideas in the meantime
Course4: (alpha/3 jumps almost done)
Beginners: Pogo Course
Speedrunners: speedpogo, keep your speed to skip jump2 and stay on the top of the walls for jump3.

Q1 I'll start out with a question I have for course4.
Heres a picture of first 2 and a half jumps for course4
Basically for jump 3 (left side of picture) you can either go under and do a single-path maze sort of pogo or stay on top if you can and save time.

I want it to work so you do a sort of speedpogo at the beginning, possibly doing a speedshot right before jump 2 and go onto the top of jump3.... somehow. Either I want it to make it so you can reach it and keep speedpogoing, have to do a 2-rocket catch, or have to do a 2-rocket floor sync so you can get up top. I would like to do a catch but since your speedpogoing fast I think most of the time you would be going faster than your rocket so your rocket reaches at the very least a half second too late for the catch.

Am I just doing spacing wrong for the catch? Do you think it is possible to do a fast speedpogo>catch? Do you think a floorsync would ruin the flow of "gotta go fast"-esque style I imagined this course to have, if it matters? Do you have any other ideas to maintain speed and get on top of jump3?

Q2 Next question: Should I make the outer walls in course1 rocketable, or keep them absorbing rockets?

Q3 Next question: So heres a list of course ideas I have:
1 Veriticle Wall (done-ish)
2 Horizontal Wall (done-ish)
3 Strafes
4 Pogos
5 Syncs
6 Water Jumps
7 Jurfs
8 ???
9 ???

(ok not really a question just give me your opinion)
Tell me what you think my 9 courses' themes should be!

Q4 Next question:
A friend keeps telling me that its hard to distinguish rocketable walls from unrocketable walls, do you think this is the case? personally I saw no problem but i'll have to change it if everyone seems to think thats the case.

Q5 Next question:
Heres a list of a few things I'd like to include in the "speedrunny" style of doing the map:
-Quint (done-ish)
-Speedshot chain (done :3)
-Catches (wall + floor)

What else should I include? I want to be as diverse as I can possibly be in my map, so share any ideas!

Lastly ANY suggestions to this map not relevant to my questions would be appreciated too

Note:I might also put up an upload for this map but I'd like it if servers keep it off until im finished. As of the moment there is no norocket brushes, teleport brushes, regen brushes, etc so you'd have to have regen, just not shoot the blank walls, and just use noclip

edit:ugh put in wrong forum. sorry
edit2: added custom rocket trails/explosions
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 04:49:36 PM by Noltron »


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9 courses?  good luck to you buddy
it has a 4starters-esque feel, which isn't a bad thing, and i think it'll look great with lighting


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suggestion, buttons lvl or upside down jumps or bounces or some mini demo course :3
<3 tempus
</3 tempus's lag

wtf srsly there's McMaster University


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edit2: added custom rocket trails/explosions
You mean in the video or for the map? (Can't tell because I have limited internet)
If it's for the map, I suggest not as people would already have their own particle pack/ might impact fps.
Anyway you know what happened with _volcano/_volcanic (forgot the name). It's buggy as hell.
Also if you want to make this a speedrun orientated map, I don't think edgebug levels are welcomed. Not everyone can be as good as brock
And yea what triga said. Nice effort with the write-up.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 11:05:04 AM by ehhx »


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Aye thanks for the responses.
Yeah I totally re-did rocket trails, granted they have about 3x as many particles than stock at this point, I don't think they have too much performance loss (maybe I can test them on my old crappy laptop). Also figured out how to make them change colors based on the angle you shoot them at so its really fun/mesmerizing to watch hehe

I've been reworking on levels one and two and they feel and look alot better now, I just have a bit of level 2 done for now though. Still definitely a WIP, but I'll post another video when I finish level 2. Anyway yeah there might be a few optional edgebugs eventually in the map to like save a few seconds somewhere, but they will be optional and wont be major time-savers. I got rid of them where I had them so no worries there haha

In terms of buttons, I don't really like how buttons work, maybe I'll have some buttons for accessing secret bonus courses but I always disliked buttons since a friend can technically camp them and open them when their speedrunner pal comes through. Gravity is fun to mess with, but I probably wont have a full course with it though, I'll have to play around and test some grav courses out. Maybe a low-grav course for course 8 if it feels right but we'll see haha. Definitely putting some optional bounces in. Might poke playing demo here and there with some alternative routes.

For now I decided the courses are like this:

1 vertical climb
2 distance jumps
3 strafing
4 pogo
5 sync
6 jurf
7 water
8 a large, fast, but relatively easy course
9 combinations of the toughest of everything

with six stages per level + 1 (maybe 2) hidden bonus stages per level. And when I say hidden, I really am going to try to hide them, so it will be an accomplishment to be the first to find any of them. Alternatively you could just like type !s b1 or whatever the command is on tempus, but every stage will be accessible atleast for soldier/demo.

I'll post a video when I get the chance, pretty excited how they are turning out. But I doubt this map will be finished any time soon... I'll probably release test versions every 3-level increment.


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Maybe its just me but I think pogo courses in general are a bad idea.  They just seem like a chore to complete, unless you add cool strats and bounces to use.  Maybe just incorporate pogos into jumps from other courses?


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course 2 was extremely stubborn to make.

here it is:

Dr. Heinz

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course 2 was extremely stubborn to make.

here it is:
This is prob gonna be the longest map but hopefully its the best.
The creator of multiple critically acclaimed maps ....

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