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qzc · 4 · 3117


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I don't know if you guys have seen this command before, but if it's set to 0 or -1, you can get 0 lerp with cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio 0.  It makes a noticeable difference in offline jumping, and I can't think of any reasons why this would be bad on jump servers, but then again I don't know the technical details of source engine networking.


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A too low interp (lerp ingame) causes lags and / or fps drops. When you get yourself a config, there's usually a lerp included which is adapted for your specs. Now, a 0 ms lerp is not obligatory a good thing since you usually got used to a certain value over time (mine is 25 ms). And at first, it feels weird: just like when you're watching a STV firstperson jumper.

If you wanna use a 0 ms lerp offline and a more regular one online, you can use binds (warning: you can only change lerp / interp while offline or in spectator mode).

Here are my personal binds

lerp 0 ms:
"KP_END" = "cl_interp 0;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_updaterate 100000;cl_cmdrate 100000;rate 80000;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2"

lerp 25 ms:
"KP_DOWNARROW" = "cl_interp 0.0152;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_cmdrate 66;cl_updaterate 66;rate 30000;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2"

I can't help you if you need another value.
I hope all this will help :)


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This is pretty much what I've been looking for. I've been playing on and off for some months with cl_interp 0 and cl_updaterate 1000 or higher in order to achieve a lower interp, but whenever I set it higher than 66, jumping felt kinda harder, as if the timing window for syncs had to be more spot on and angles and timings on wallshots had to be very near perfect, pretty interesting to practice with actually, but I felt like it messed with my understanding of the physics or jumping mechanics. However I think that issue is gone with this command, physics feel the same, just with no rocket delay.

Perhaps these aren't very good settings because of the netcode, 66 ticks and whatnot, but I can say I really enjoy using it for jumping though. I assume if servers can(?) and already have this forced to 1, it's gonna be set to the standard 15.2 ms anyway? Also maybe this "feeling" is all just pure placebo on my part and there's no difference whatsoever, so take it with a grain of salt I suppose, and try it for yourself perhaps.

A small tweak people might like as well is snd_mixahead 0.045, default is set at 0.1 and custom cfgs might already have this implemented, it essentially lowers the general(?) sound delay, results may vary though so try different values for yourself like 0.04 or 0.05 or higher. I find that if I go lower than 0.04, the audio really starts to mess up unfortunately.

A too low interp (lerp ingame) causes lags and / or fps drops.

I'm not sure I've ever had that issue, however I can definitely say that I sometimes get stutters or microstutters, though I think this might just be source engine in general being a bit wonky. e.g. on jumps that grant you overheal, stuttering becomes a lot more visible and for some magical reason this can be avoided with net_fakelag 0.001 or whatever value, and it feels so much smoother. The only downside is the fake lag, which doesn't even feel like actual lag, but more like a sort of slow motion feeling.

Sorry if I derailed the thread a bit. ;D


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I don't mean to revive a possibly dead thread, but is it possible that you get more "power" from your rockets with sv_client_min_interp_ratio 0, cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio 0? On top of this I feel like I have to adjust where I aim for skips...