r_decals 0
This removes rocket explosion decals (the black stuff on the floor and walls)
This works for Rocket Launchers, Grenade Lauchers, the caber and any sticky lauchers or just anything with a projectile like those stated above.
sv_cheats 1
Enables you to noclip and all that jazz.
mp_tournament 1
This means that you skip the "waiting for players" timer when you load a map. Super helpful.
'alias regen_on "impulse 101; wait 150; regen_on" '
This is my regen script. Works with sv_cheats 1 enabled. Copy and paste that command into the console and then type in regen_on and you'll be good to go.
bind "(key) "noclip"
Self explanatory. When you press the key, you can noclip to a certain place on the map.
(Depending on what servers you use)
bind "(key)" "say /t"
bind "(key)" "say /reset"
I have binded /t aka teleport to "R" and reset to "Q". This are mainly used if you're on the Tempus Network or any servers that use those commands.
hurtme -999999
I mainly use this for demoman or crit-heavy jumps.
I hope this helps.