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Ned · 9 · 2087


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I've been TF2 jumping for about 2 years now and have become pretty decent at it, but with speedshots i can never completely tell whether or not to shoot very close to me or further from a longer distance. Is there a set of velocities (HMU/S) for speedshots where you should aim and time differently? 


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I've been TF2 jumping for about 2 years now and have become pretty decent at it, but with speedshots i can never completely tell whether or not to shoot very close to me or further from a longer distance. Is there a set of velocities (HMU/S) for speedshots where you should aim and time differently?
with speedshots that you are falling fast on is either you shoot like last tick or like a bounce prefire a little bit
boshy xtra or rnc can give you a spreadsheet or some nerdy stuff on it
Why do you read this like it doesn't even matter just read my message its probably more important


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The timing is always exactly the same under 9u/t or 600u/s Vertically. Just before you hit the ground or psuedoground in the case of speedbounces.

Any vertical velocity higher than 600u/s it becomes a lot more like a bounce just with a much much wider window where the player can fall into.

In both of my 3500u/s speedshot videos I was travelling 1750ish u/s horizontally and obviously I managed to hit a speedshot, prefire or not, just fine. But I would say that about 2000u/s horizontally is pretty much the max of what's possible before the amount of vertical height you get after the speedshot to become just useless.

There is no hard number on the horizontal currently mainly because no one's looked for it and it really doesn't matter outside of TAS, just tap s when needed.

As far as aim angle I have no idea for me ~45 degrees down works fine in between ss and flicking down to 70-80+ on the actual shot.

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if you dont move at all = too early

if you go straight up = too late
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌

Dr. Heinz

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if you dont move at all = too early

if you go straight up = too late

Or using the painmarks :

small painmark (similar to a pogo one) = too early

big painmark (similar to a bounce) but you don't go anywhere = too late

It's basically the same but I thought it was worth mentioning it


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There is no specific set of speeds or stuff for speedshots, they aren't that precise. The rule to follow is usually shoot as you hit the ground. Obviously if you are falling faster this is harder to time, and you might have to prefire the rocket quite early, but it's still possible. There's a video I can't find of cranck I think doing a speedshot like this.

As for the angle it is the same irrelevant of your velocity, you always shoot straight downish. You only change what angle you shoot when you want the speedshot to go higher or lower.

protist ?

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If you really want to get a feel for speedshots with a little visual indiciation you can try setting up nolem's speedshot assist (http://jump.tf/forum/index.php/topic,1235.0.html) and toying around on a listen server for a while.


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practice speedshots to class like aurora does.