Trigger hurt and buffs on triple+ syncs. cool map.
Auto eb ples.
You can stand up here on the wallpogo/wallshot jump after the aforementioned ramp.
This is a bit wishful as a t3 for demo.. pretty hard t4/ easy t5 just because of last.
This jump is awkward mainly due to the double in the water, which is a very weird start and doesn't work on occasion. The lights on the side also tele you back to the place where you fall down for some reason.
I like the idea of this jump since you can pick what you want to do to complete it, but the wallpogo is just so boring and repetitive so I think this should just be the downair or something else as an easier alternative.
You can stand on here on last and easily double/triple to the end but getting up here is almost as hard as the jump. Last needs to be redone if you want to aim for your tiering as I have no idea how to do it besides 6/7 airpogo to the ramp which isn't even a guaranteed finish because of the grav.
Would be a good idea to make this fence illusionary (and the back one) to maintain consistency.
Even though you do have an arrow and some texturing, I think you could add more by making this wall stand out as the wall you need to climb.
Again, more texturing or lighting here to indicate where to go.
Is this a bounce? crouch/uncrouch? Wallpogo? Some hints would be nice if you can bounce it.