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RIP Afterglow

Zike · 38 · 8496


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i don't mean to imply that i'm brushing off anything. i deliberately hacked while being unaware of the vac policies, that was the mistake. just because i said i made a mistake doesn't mean i expect you to exonerate me. there's probably close to nothing i can say or do to make up for it, but hopefully me replying to this thread acts as some sort of closure at the least.

Oh I misinterpreted what you meant, I understand now.


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Mireal asked me to post this:
Jondy, Jondy, Jondy... To say I'm disappointed doesn't do how I feel justice - its like calling the sun simply "warm". At the same time, I can't honestly say I didn't expect something like this. While my disappointment cuts through me like a knife, there is a part of me that is simply sad. Sad that this happened. Sad that you won't learn from this. Sad that due to your condition you are doomed to continue this cycle of committing most heinous acts of anger and rage. I know it was your anger that drove you to hack. I know for people with your condition that your anger comes like a thunderbolt and leaves as quickly, that it drove you to betray a close friend is heart breaking, but I know you can overcome this. Jondy, you're not alone, we're here, always.

kudos to zike for starting a hate thread about a topic he really has no business dictating, but i guess it had to happen eventually.
What are you talking about? I only made this thread so people would know what was going on; I didn't really comment on it or encourage the spreading of hate. Also, there was already a thread on tftv for some reason, but I felt that this was a little more relevant to jumpers than the tftv community.


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Yeah, that's just classic jondy though. He's cheated in literally every single game he's played that I know of (except for rocket league). Even in TF2 jumping he was a lag binder... I almost did see it coming, I just never knew about accounts getting chain banned through the steam mobile app.

Not to call jondy out, but to cheat on my account without telling me is a pretty scummy move. And then to remove me? I dunno dude... I'm sure he would try giving me some bullshit response like "ur already rich", no integrity these days smh. Thing is though, had only that account gotten VAC'd, I really wouldn't have give a shit. I don't blame jondy cuz I know he never thought valve would chain ban ALL my accounts (neither did I). Jondy, if you're out there, just wanna say that I don't expect you to repay me or anything, and I don't blame you specifically. Obviously I'm mad, but in the long run I know the money doesn't really matter. All this csgo betting money was supplemental anyways, I invested 100 dollars of my own money into it and still came out with thousands. In time, we can prolly laugh about this whole debacle in the future, but for now I'm taking a break from gaming/internet shit (probably a long one). Been wanting to do this anyways. Uninstalled steam, gonna focus on my real life goals/aspirations. I'm already gone from the jumping scene, so not a big deal.

thanks for getting me interested in making maps
cya dude


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« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 09:14:26 PM by proto »


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i heard valve is shit at replying and shit. they just dont care enough about anyone trying to appeal a VAC ban

Gabe recently answered in an AMA about 4 days ago from when I wrote this that he's trying to improve the support system on Steam. He's been saying that for years now. But they're making progress it seems, slow but steadily which is good.


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May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace, may our prayers help guide him on his journey to our Creator.  :'(