The idea behind getting new servers was mostly the fact the EU adv servers go through about 2 maps a day. If BAQu is on a server on the weekend it'll be on for the entire day, since there'll always be people in long runs. German servers also give questionable routing for some people (mostly UK as far as I know) so getting french servers instead is also nice for people with routing issues. There's 2 servers open for everyone, 2 with more limited access: the reasoning for the latter two is that both the fact that it'll be limited to more experienced people (and thus no people taking 3 hours to do a T4 map) and just the fact that it's less people in general means people who actually want to run something can do it much more easily.
With the 2 new french servers there are still 5 EU servers open for everyone, more than any other region (I don't count NA west because almost all people who jump on east/NY get bad ping to that, might aswell include russia to EU then). I honestly don't see the problem for people who just want to play, it's 2 extra servers for everyone. Are people not happy with the maps on it (rookie and all maps) or does everyone simply demand access to every server? For people that care more about spectating;
@Vexon/generic/others making this point I agree that the exclusion / splitting is not a good thing. The idea is that it'll be changed such that people can still join to spectate / chat or whatever, but not play/vote (being able to play without voting would still put it in the same situation as before, if someone is on a long run but can't vote he'll ask for extend / people will extend for him, because no one (including me) wants to vote off people who invested several hours into a run already).
@Mac I agree that limiting to a certain rank is far from perfect, but I honestly don't know what a more fair / objective way would be. It could also be locked to a random number of tt points, a map/course WR or whatever but it's all a bit arbitrary. I'm open for discussion for what a better limit would be.
I'm not the only one in charge of these servers so what I'm writing is mostly my opinion but yeah, some clarity I suppose?
I'm overall sub rank 50 but not sub rank 50 soldier or demo and can't join, pls fix I want to be an elitist asshole too
If this is the only thing you have to contribute please just don't bother posting at all.