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ーーー Kumo • 雲 • Cloud ーーー


A high T3 - low T4 demo map, T2 for soldier.
Originally created for Jump Jam 2018.
10 jumps.

Map DL


I need to extend a massive thank you to toopliss for helping me with so much on this map.
She added soldier airpogo, and helped me fix a bunch of weird bugs and issues with the map.
This map would have not been possible without her!

Map trailer:

Showcase coming soon.

Spoiler: shoutouts (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 02:50:17 AM by Syro »


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i assume the missing models/materials are what you're fixing

classic beautiful syro detailing

i am a garbage tier demo so i could only complete a couple jumps, those were good though
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 08:19:06 AM by donuttt »
wew lad

Dr. Heinz

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I didn't even realize how much I missed when I was packing. When I mentioned issues, I was talking about 2 floating trees on the cp. Thanks for telling me !


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Awesome map!

Found a missing teleport at the top of one of the vertical climb fence wall things on the final jump.
Also not sure where I landed but I got teleported back to the start of jump 6 when failing jump 7.



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Found a missing teleport at the top of one of the vertical climb fence wall things on the final jump.
Also not sure where I landed but I got teleported back to the start of jump 6 when failing jump 7.

i assume the missing models/materials are what you're fixing

I've updated the map with the issues that porkie pointed out fixed, however, I can't seem to get the map to pack. I'm at the point now where I've added every file I possibly could, and the roof tiles as well as the wood posts are still showing at errors.


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Hello everyone!

I've been slowly working on small improvements to jump_kumo over the past few months, and am currently experimenting with a new part to the map.
Since this map is both a skybox and demo map, playing it for its intended class is somewhat of a challenge. To get around this, I've added grids on each of the jumps that will fade in as you get get close to them. This should hopefully help with telling what your speed is while airpogoing. However, I'm not confident in my own opinions on how well it works, and would like for others to test it.

The original post has been updated with a new download link for the map. Please test if you can!


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its hard to know which platforms you can stand or not
the grid system is ok, maybe should show up from a bit further away and both sides
you can still sticky the parts on rocks you fall through


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-I found that you can pass through the first fence wall on the first jump, but then hit an invis wall afterwards - pretty sure it's not supposed to be like that?
-Not really map-breaking but you can stand on top of the first fence on jump 4. Same for jump 5 first fence, but this looks like it's only 1 or 2 units.
-Also on jump 5 you can pass through the rock at the top - not sure if intended. Seems possible to pass through it and still beat the jump but I am too bad to do that.
-Theres a small gap between the top of the fence and the 'ceiling' on jump 6. You can also sticky the top of the fence so this trivialises the jump. Also you can stand on the log on the stone area of this jump, and sticky it!
-Again not map-breaking but you can sticky the sides of the first fence on last.

Hope I don't seem too negative, I really like the map!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 06:54:08 AM by porkie »


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It's done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please check the original post for screenshots as well as a download link !
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 07:26:09 PM by Syro »


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Hey, love the map, just a quick problem I found that you may want to fix before putting on tempus.

You can skip jump 3 entirely by jumping over the huge fence!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Hey, love the map, just a quick problem I found that you may want to fix before putting on tempus.

You can skip jump 3 entirely by jumping over the huge fence!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh geez, thanks for finding this!


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I've fixed the clipping bug that porkie reported and have updated the download link.

The current version should be final.