Nothing much to tell about each jump individually because they're all kinda easy, however last is really harder than the other jumps imo
The jumps are already really clear and the explanation is a nice extra (especially for last).
Detailling is quite simple but enough.
These glasses are too big for no real reason, and you can shot them (not necessarily an issue)
This sloped end is annoying, I overshot the sync many times, hold W to stick to the wall and go to the end but I just slip from the end and fail the jump./
Also you can use the white part to ctap and skip the whole next jump. You can also skip the wallpogo from the sync with a wallshot (it's kinda precise tho).
I don't like intended way of last because it feels random for me. However you can just step back a bit, and then rocketjump to wallshot and make a sync skip to the end. It's possible even without ctap.
Map is kinda short and basic, it could be nice to see another jumps too