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here's some feedback:

start of the map: You spawn facing away from the teleport to jump1.

jump1: Please put the tele destination near the start of the jump, facing in the direction of the jump. Its current position doesnt make any sense.
         I think you should lower the floor a bit/raise the start, because tight syncs like this are kind of annoying.

jump2: Ok jump.

jump3: Alright jump. But again the tele destination is kind of weird. Facing in the opposite direction on this kind of makes sense since you are supposed to start the jump like that. But it's kind of annoying to walk to the wall and turn around all the time. Maybe move it closer to the wall / make the player use the side wall to start the jump.
   Also the jump could use some better lighting, it's very dark rn

jump4: Cool jump. Just feels kind of weird to do it in such a small box

jump5: I like the main idea of the jump, but it's weird having to aim up after every tele. You get used to it quite quickly but it's still kind of annoying. And again it's just a very tiny box. It would be more appealing if it was a bigger box.

jump6: Probably my least favourite jump on this map. It isnt really fun to fall for ages over and over. It would probably be better to have a reset tele higher up. Or you could play around with trigger_push /_catapult to make the player reach max velocity earlier. Since that seems to be the main point of this jump, to get a quad while falling with max velocity.
And since the jump is very big, you can set up a quint (like jump 24 on jump_sync) to cheat it.

jump7: Again, the lighting isnt very good and the tele destination is stupid. Tbf I'm quite a fan of the idea behind this jump but this doesnt feel well spaced. It's very easy to get a lot of speed which makes you get owned by the tight spacing almost all of the time.
It might be better to increase the gap between the platforms.

jump8: I kind of like this jump. It could use some brighter lighting tho since its kind of dim.

A general thing: It usually is bad practice to use the same textures for different kinds of gameplay elements (like teles, nonade,...). On jump 7 for example you are using the same texture for no tele platforms and for tele floors. It's better to use different textures

Another texture related thing: If you are planning on keeping these textures, you should probably play around with the texture scales. Take for example jump3, it doesn't too good if the texture is repeating itself like that on the smallest scale. It would look better with a bigger scale

Another thing: Your map is leaking, so fix that. I decompiled it and the main culprit for that is the tickregen stuff. Put that in the spawn room of the map (atm it's just sitting in the void)

Side note to that: you set it up in the wrong way. Demo still gets 900hp overheal because there is no trigger_multiple that renames demomen to "demo".
« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 01:21:47 PM by shakez »