Not in any order:
1. _heck Bonus 2 but all airpogo - rollers or nogrenade for every surface.
2. Vertical spiral of airpogo where you start in the centre and at each vertical (up or down) section you have to twirl around 180?, with horizontal in between.
3. A swinging pendulum of a clock, in which you must airpogo and not leave the pendulum (a cube for simplicity). It goes up to max displacement and zero velocity, swings down with max velocity and along and up to the other side. You have to stay in the pendulum cube for 30 seconds (maybe 5 oscillations or so), making sure to slow down and 180? at max height. The time-based pendulum bounds are coloured so you know where to stay within.
4. The staircase tower level on _shiver, but you have to airpogo it.
5. Tunnel airpogo like _mad Bonus 1, but a map with each level a tunnel, and tunnels can be longer than _mad B1 and/or bend slowly in 3d (up, down, left or right). Some levels could have a tunnel-to-tunnel transfer where you exit a tunnel, then airpogo, enter the next tunnel, and resume tunnel airpogo.
6. Easy airpogo maps, but upside down and antigrav.
7. _over Last Jump, but you have to take 30 seconds or *longer*. Exactly the same jump, but you have to airpogo in circles for 30 seconds before you land at the end.
8. _pdidey but all uncrouched airpogo.