"Starting out as a blocky, black-&-white ride through what I can only imagine is some sort of abandoned asteroid colony, this map pulls the rug from under you by quickly diving into the psychedelic realm, with one or two or a few cute cat images thrown in here and there. It finishes off with a deeply personal and sweet message inscribed on the wall from none other than tomatoanus, truly cementing itself as a somewhat subversive, unexpectedly introspective, masterpiece experience."
David? Julien Lefebvre, iMDB
I really like pretty much all the jumps on this map, they feel well-spaced and fun, and it gives the map a good flow.
I don't quite get why you're allowed to do a billion rockets on the last jump but I guess it doesn't matter. I'm also not a big fan of the detailing, specifically the black-n-white dev blocks, it's kind of boring, but that's just personal preference.
There's also 3 or 4 spots on the map where there are visleaf issues (I think that's the term) where you can see geometry through the skybox. You're probably aware already since they're fairly obvious.
Also the upwards triple jump has a cheese where you can just shoot the wall adjacent to the ramp and it's pretty free.
The seamless-tele vent connector has misaligned textures in a corner, both before and after the tele, on the floor and ceiling. You can also go backwards after the tele and look into the void.
Could probably make the glass parts of the ramp on level 8 all tele, since if you're touching those parts you've pretty much failed the jump.
Overall though very fun map, I like it.