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Psychotic Duck

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Updated to a5: a bunch of light reworks, with an overall focus of buffing some of the later jumps so that the map difficulty isn't too centralized on 2 to 3 jumps (aka 6, last and maybe 11).
Changes include:

General: Added several kinds of indicators on the jump walls to overall make the map more readable
Jump 7: Raised second wall by 128Hu, raised hurdle by 64Hu
Jump 8: Added hurdle in between catch walls, raised back wall back to a3 levels, moved end back and added some end nonade (new intended is now a staggered catch)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Jump 10: Moved the end back by 1024Hu
Jump 11: Reworked the end again so that there isn't a stupid ceiling in the way of a good catch anymore
Jump 12: Moved final wall back a little, raised the end significantly and moved end back slightly
End Transition: Removed glass on decorative window to allow you to go through the window (to be a bit nicer to speedrun)

Psychotic Duck

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Finally got my lazy ass up and updated to a6. A lot of changes from playtesting.
Changes include:

General: Added/Modified some indicators and decoration
Jump 2: Lowered the ceiling at some points to prevent easy telesync (telesync still works, but you need a catch as well so it's fine)
Jump 3: Raised the end again (still wasn't high enough)
Jump 8: Added clip on top of the launch ramp (lowers power), moved staggered catch back, moved end a bit back (suspect this jump'll be returning to the changelogs soon ngl)
Jump 11: Moved last wall back, very slightly raised end
Jump 12: Reverted change to last wall, extended inner wall (in the middle section) by 256 Hu, moved end down and back
Jump 13: Moved end back (forget what I said about this jump being hard earlier)
Bonus 1: Lowered ceiling and added anti-resync (anticheese measures)
Bonus 2: Made the wall into roller walls for demoman (if demos actually want to play this)

Feel free to send me feedback about anything with the map - I appreciate feedback about how the jumps play, but feedback about anything is good now. Thanks for all of the feedback so far guys

Psychotic Duck

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Uploaded a6a, a quick patch because I am stupid

Added an indicator to 8 because that jump is ass without one and somehow I didn't realize that until after the map was out


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Jump 1: Fine
Jump 2: Fine
Jump 3: Can ctap triple + wallshot
Jump 4: Fine, bit of a difficulty gap from previous jump
Jump 5: Fine
Jump 6: Bit easy to save/wallpogo on last wall (end too close maybe)
Jump 7: Very fun
Jump 8: Only jump I couldnt do. Could not get a good catch on last wall (most I could do is catch into wallpogo). Usually I went way too high/far/fast from getting too much speed from first sync
Jump 9: Very easy compared to the previous few jumps
Jump 10: Can do a double into 2 wallshots (on first wall) which makes it a bit easier but seems fine
Jump 11: Extremely easy, nuking it with only a wallsync on first wall. Also a bit annoying getting stuck sometimes (and sometimes I bonk on ceiling but thats fine)
Jump 12: With ctap triple you only need a wallsync on the very last wall (which is fine I guess)
Jump 13: Fun but (very) easy for last

Bonus 1: I hate telesyncs but seems good
Bonus 2: First tried it lol, didnt need wallsync just wallshot (couldnt replicate it consistently tho cuz timing). Just a timing jump, seems fine

Fun map overal

Psychotic Duck

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Updated to a7. Changes include:

Jump 1: Moved start back + up a little
Jump 3: Raised wallsync wall by 128Hu, nonaded top wall again (effectively raised end by 192Hu)
Jump 11: Massively rasied end and moved it forwards - now you're expected to wallsync/sync catch at the end of the jump, since previous intended was way too easy

Would try to fix the ctap -> wallshot cheese on 3 and 12, but doing so would entail making the triple really tight or forcing a ctap triple, which isn't worth the anticheese imo
6 is already pretty hard as is for where it is on the map, so buffing it further might not be a good idea (even for wallpogo anticheese)

I'm planning on potentially reordering some of the jumps ( most prominently 8 ) when I retexture the map


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j1 -> fine
j2 -> feels a bit rng because you can't really control if you can squeeze a rocket at the very end
j3 -> fine but generic
j4 -> too similar to j1 imo
j5 -> fine
j6 -> fine
j7 -> fine
j8 -> not sure of this ending
j9 -> fine but agreeing with Shadow, much easier
j10 -> fine
j11 -> really dont like the spacing here, either i bonk the ceiling if I go high with my walls or I overshoot the first part, idk very weird spacing or I didnt understand how to do it
j12 -> didnt beat it but prob fine
j13 -> surely fine

good stuff overall, waiting for the textured version