Can we actually call this jump something? Can't think of a name for it.
Everyone I've told about it wants me to name it the RNCtap because I "discovered" it, but I kinda think that's dumb.
I don't think that you go into the ground when you ctap because I set up a test map with a teleport under the ground and then ctapped and I didn't get teleported. I've always thought that the extra power from a ctap comes from being closer to the rocket because it takes time to fully crouch.
Like I said somewhere now I think that it's entirely because you somehow gain extra Zvel while uncrouching, but that's a bit hard to say give that a ctap will give you 277u/s when you jump, and a regular crouch jump will also give that number. Or it's possible that the player's collision box goes down much faster than we previously thought, which sounds more likely. Or some weird combo because with a perfect ctap you are uncrouching.
And I believe the 11 unit thing came from someone potentially misunderstanding what Jamien said many moons ago on the subject. But I don't fully know.
"The way a ctap works is when you crouch your collision box is made shorter and when you jump at the exact same moment when it changes it pushes your jump down closer to the ground than just normally pressing space. specifically it makes you jump
11 units shorter than a normal jump (without any rockets)."'ll try and look into it some more tonight with jrecord and post what I get.