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I'm at a loss

drik · 9 · 2839


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Rather new to jumping, maybe a month - 1.5 under my belt. I've been able to teach my self a ton watching jump vids and tutorials.  I've come to a point where progression requires me to ask a couple of questions and hope that I get an answer.

I seem to struggle with step up speed shots, such as jump_tpn_rc1's jump 14. I can very very consistently hit the second platform only to smack my face into the third. I don't seem to maintain height as i go from one to the next. The times that i actually get to even shoot at the third platform I easily sail to the landing zone.  Is this a timing issue with me shooting the rocket off the second platform angle wise? more forward more down? I honestly am not sure where in there im goofing it up and find my self more frustrated than making progress since I feel like its luck that I make it to the third platform when I do.

This problem also extends to speed pogos across platforms , I don't feel that i maintain height across them, this issue , much more than the last I assume is an ID10T error on my part and not compensating for speed  or shooting to early however, any tips are way more than welcome.  I don't care to luck my way through jumps, ill never progress if i cant understand why I'm screwing them up.

Lastly syncs, I do well at straight drop down syncs 2-3's aren't insanely hard to be consistent at , The ones i seem to struggle with are the ones with a wall in the middle or ones where I come in at a steep angle first like off a wall or surf etc. I feel like i hit the sync well and consistently but my height rarely is high enough. Is this me shooting to early? Should i be holding crouch the entire time or only "regular" rjumping as the rocket hits .

Thanks in advance for any replies, Any short videos with !showkeys on or anything would be VERY much appreciated. Jumping has me hooked and I want to keep progressing, with that being said I also dont want to form bad habits doing things the wrong way as I learn.


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1. The more speed ya have, u need to aim higher to speedshot, but if the speed is over the speedshot limit, slow the speed in order to hit it

2. same thing goes for speed pogo, the more speed ya have, aim higher. pogo-ing across platform is not hard, just need some speed in the first pogo by aiming conpletely downward while holding "w", when your speed increases, let go the key "w", then change your aiming according to your speed

3. the sync is basically a normal rocket jump with more than one rocket assists it, so hitting crouch doesnt really matter when ya shoot your first prefire rocket. Lastly, make sure your timing is really good in order to make higher jump, ya can observe the painmark to help ya. If either one of the sync painmark are big, thats mean ya doesnt make your normal rocket jump properly or your timing is too slow, a perfect sync should have two equal normal size painmark

I appreciated your determination in jumping. Hope this help ya  :D
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 01:03:03 AM by McMaster »
<3 tempus
</3 tempus's lag

wtf srsly there's McMaster University


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Thank you, that explains what i need to look for on syncs , One of the tutorials i watched a while back said to hold crouch the entire time (basically jumping off the crouch with the sync opposed to doing a regular jump) so that's probably my issue there. The speedshot / pogo issue im having is height over platforms more so than the speed if that makes sense. which again , like you said is probably more to do with my timing than anything.

Thanks dude, i appreciate the tips.


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wait ya means the difference of height between each platform in one of the pogo level? Oh, like I said, the more speed ya have, the higher ya aim, besides that keep ya pogo-ing without falling, it also remains your pogo height. Welp, if your speed is really fast enough, sometimes no matter how high ya aim does nothing but fall, so kindly slow down your speed by "s" and aim according to your speed

I didnt know if I did answer your question :-\ , n my english is ok ok only so hope that helped ;D
<3 tempus
</3 tempus's lag

wtf srsly there's McMaster University


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I'm more looking for maintaining jump height, not necessarily aim, like jump_tpn_rc1 14. Each platform is just higher than the previous , like steps. I seem to bounce my face off the third consistently . Thank you again though, I'm probably not explaining my issue well enough.


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Oh ok, now i got it ;) , its basically the same but ya gotta slow down in order to hit every single platform and also aim accroding to your speed, ya will find it after a few tries  8)
<3 tempus
</3 tempus's lag

wtf srsly there's McMaster University


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Just to clarify a few things here, which I hope doesn't come across as rude:

Jump 14 on _tpn are not speedshots, but rather "skips". Speedshots involve touching the ground briefly and are usually done from surfaces you can land on safely (you will have done one if you've got to jump 14 on tpn). McMaster's advice #1 was for speedshots (though it kind of applies to skips too). Here's my advice:

1. The key with skips in most cases is to get a really great first jump so that you skim the first skip platform. From there, you will gain the best possible speed when you fire your rocket. If you want pure speed, aim straight down or thereabouts - that way, when the rocket actually hits you it will be behind you, propelling you quickly forward but also starting your descent. If you need height, you'll need to aim forward slightly - the amount you need to aim forward will depend on how much height you want to gain from your skip.

2. Speed pogo follows similar rules (well, we should say that skips inherit the rules of pogo). On a flat surface, the most speed you have the more you will need to aim up/forward. Aiming even further up than required can be used to gain some additional height, usually used when transitioning to a wall climb or similar (example). Other ways to deal with high speeds involve tapping "s" to keep things under control, or using slight pre-fires.

3. If you're coming in from a really dodgy angle and don't think you can time your sync from memory, try to look at the rocket to line it up. The height of your sync will depend on how accurate you are with timing, your sync rocket aiming accuracy and your final rocket aiming. If you're firing your sync from an angle, you may find you are aiming that rocket too far in front or behind of you. Usually you want it close to your feet. From there, the type of rocket jump you do from the ground will have an impact too... For maximum height jump straight up.

As a general note, many players have developed a "flick" motion for pogos and skips... I know I have. This motion is not necessary, but for whatever reason it can seem to help - and has the advantage that you can better see where you are going. Try flicking up after pogo shots and see how it feels. In the example I linked you can see that motion too.

(Some Skips, Prefire pogo to keep height)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 10:13:20 AM by Balls »


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Not rude at all, In fact I really appreciate you clarifying that and taking the time to write a nice detailed post. 
Definitely getting better at em, just had to suck it up and sit down for an hour or so tonight and force myself to fail a hundred times and figure out why..that combined with the advice I'm making a ton of progress.

Thanks guys.