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Gagged because I was apparently "spamming".


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This probably isn't the right thread to post in but I don't really see a "Admin Abuse" or "Ban Appeals" thread anywhere.

I was on the easy server one, the one running jump_academy_easy_c all the time and I was simply talking about things in the chat since it's jumpacademy, everyone did that, then suddenly, a teacher called Tw1ck decides to call me a "spammer". He then makes things up about I said the server was "bad" and other things, just manipulating my words, just making things up to get back at individuals. Then, 10 minutes later of people arguing whether I was spamming or he just made things up, Tw1ck decides the best thing he can do is call a moderator. Then this moderator "Chaos" comes and apparently he's on Tw1ck's friends list. He goes on about random things for a minute then he decides to gag me for 24 hours because I was insulting individuals and didn't even let me say anything, when all that happened was that Tw1ck said he was gonna leave (and he didn't) and I didn't care if he did or not. Everyone else has done that on the server, why do I get a gag and they don't?

That isn't the only time I was just denied from the server for a day, a few weeks earlier Ex6tenze decided to ban me for 30 minutes (originally 24 hours) because I was "harassing and challenging him", and in the ban reason he states I was begging about mystery course (which I wasn't) and this "harassing and challenging" is basically his way of saying I asked ****once**** if he could teleport me and he just banned me there.

I'm really not getting a good impression of JA because of these abusive admins just banning and gagging people because they think it's funny or in ex6's case, depressed. That doesn't give an excuse to gag/ban me for no reason.