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Should Engie Jumping Be Taught?


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Engie Jumping is probably the 3rd most popular type of "jumping" in TF2, followed by Sticky Jumping and Rocket Jumping. I feel like Engie Jumping should be taught because it can be very cool to do on the maps. Things like KB Storing (freezing yourself using the teleporter glitch or /s and then shooting yourself with the Wrangler) and Sentry Jumping are fun and cool things you can do with Engie, and a lot of people don't really know how to do these things. I've attached a link to a YouTube video I made to prove that Engie can finish almost every map in JumpAcademy. When I say almost, I mean that in Timed 6, Engie simply cannot jump with enough power to reach that curved bit. You could replace the sentry, but it takes too long. Also I edited a part of Sync out because I was screwing around a lot on it and it took up WAAAY too much time, so if you see a part where I jump down and then suddenly I'm on another bit, you'll know why. I also messed up and killed myself with the sentry, and thus got sent to my save, but it was a while back in the current map. This happens twice in the run, one in Wall on the final jump and another in Pogo near 9. Sorry for these mess-ups, but this just proves how much we would need an Engie Jumper teacher; to teach us the proper ways of jumping and making sure to use the right amount of bullets.



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i mean people can learn to do it if they want

i don't see what you're trying to say here


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Taught as in like an actual form of jumping on the server. Only Rocket and Sticky jumping are forms that have JumpBots and whatnot, I'm trying to get Sentry Jumping to that kind of level; A Jumpbot and teachers that know how to teach Sentry Jumping.


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The problem is that you are probably the most motivated person in the whole game to make engi jumping a thing. You can't have engi jumping teachers when theres nobody good enough/interested enough to teach it

Reich | Jump.tf

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for the record you should make !s and !t binds     (bind whateverkey "say /s"     and    bind whateverkey "say /t")      so you don't have to manually type it every time you want to teleport holy cow I dunno how you manage that I would go INSANE
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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Shoot feet shoot butt that will be all for todays class


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Shoot feet shoot butt that will be all for todays class
I mean, when you put it like that it sounds simple, but the same could be said with rocket jumping. Shoot feet shoot butt right? Yeah...no. Engie jumping's not that simple, you've gotta store knockback for some really far jumps, you've gotta shoot yourself mid air, and you've gotta move that gear up for faster times. The different types of jumps require skill, even if you can just summarize it in a couple of words.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 06:34:00 AM by Fireofthetiger »


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I hope you're better at engi jumping than detecting sarcasm.


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I hope you're better at engi jumping than detecting sarcasm.
Pretty clever, now I feel like an idiot.

Washed up hack

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Don't wait for others to do it. Do it yourself. If you build it, they probably won't come because engie jumping is lame as HECK.  :-X

The free market will always succeed, my man.
Obeezy #1 fan

shoutout to my main man obz and my good friend b boogie. They are wonderful people.