-Bottom-most trigger on 5 doesn't work
I am amazed as to how I have never bothered to check the bottom of normal-5 at all, thanks for noticing I will fix it in next version
There are not enough pain-inducing retarded wallpogo maps
Awesome map guys, big fan.
Ayy, thanks
-back tele on ghost course jump 2 takes you to jump 3
Damn, how did I even do that. Will fix it in the next version
-i worry about the difficulty of shorter jumps like phase course jump 10, which seems like it can be done with a lucky sync
Yeah some shorter levels seem kinda off, like for example sb completely wrecked ghost-12 so I will have to do something about them
-i would like to see a more original skybox, this one has been used a lot
Oh it was? Shame, it's so pretty. Guess I will have to find some other one or make some simplistic one myself
-some of the nodraw/invisible textures dont look very good
I do like how that turns out but if you have some exact places where it doesn't look so well do post them
-this is minor but i think the cap point rooms should be in line with the spawn
What do you mean? I put it below the middle of the bonus-spire thing
-instead of the broken cap point you could just add some cool effects and text
There is a text saying that cap is broken but honestly I don't expect anyone to even bother with this level at all
Love the map, wallfox will be jealous
That's the idea