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Starkie · 10 · 3141


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Another T6 for soldier, a little harder than temple (currently being detailed by scotch). I wanted to make a map with no filler jumps.
I've not made the jumps uncheatable yet, you're not supposed to shoot any of the grey walls.

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« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 12:46:44 PM by Starkie »


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A15 released. Replaced jump 4 with a new jump. Brightened up a lot of areas and made some minor changes.


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-jump 1 - super cool, feels consistent as well.

-jump 2 - impressed how well this works. I end up hitting the sync around the end of the ramp, which personally feels uncomfy,
but it feels really consistent. I might extend the ramp a little bit personally? really well spaced tho

-jump 3 - good call on making the ss a bit easier, feels like a bit of a fall as is. otherwise distance feels really nice,
I like how you have stuff you don't have to slam jumps necessarily, at least so far.

-jump 4 - cool setup. I like how if you hit a good catch how well the ramp sync ends up. I found it difficult to consistently
hit the good catch though, and there were a couple times where I hit a meh catch and end up edging it. I think it might be
alright to move it up 128 maybe? I might just be a noob who hasn't played the jump enough though. As is if you hit the catch
well the rest plays out well.
Actually ya fuck that its p easy to hit the good catch. Cool jump, really well spaced. might
be nice to move it up a bit tho to offset the ss being a bit inconsistent from the different catches? I dunno.

-jump 5 - I would move the wall up maybe a little bit? Im probably hitting it poorly, when I hit it well its right in the middle.
Maybe just move it 16 units closer or something seems to work really well as is, just feels a lil uncomfy sometimes.

-jump 6 - the angle of the ramp feels a little awkward getting the ss on? but I once i got it it was free. fun to hit as well.
really nice job making the wall not buggy.

-jump 7 - the ss is p akward I would say, but that's  the only bit of challenge here. I don't think its the most memorable jump
for me, though it doesn't really feel like filler. probably one of the duller jumps though for me personally.

-jump 8 - would mind having the regen extend past the very start. I keep jumping before I get regen and I get wrecked. idk if
there is a cheat there tho thats preventing. spacing feels good. I am inconsistent at it, but if feels like something I can learn.

-jump 9 - if you slam the wallshots its super easy, works well. cool concept as well. I love prefire wallshots

-jump 10 - hardest part of the jump is the starting sync..,. got bodied by that. but once you hit it its p much free. fun as well.
nice spacing again

-jump 11 - im p sure I do skips weird, but I think the skip plat here should be raised just a bit, maybe 8 units? or 16. it feels too easy
to go too fast with the skip, I think if it were a bit a higher it would be simpler to hit that speed consistently.

-jump 12 - I thought this was gonna be completely inconsistent, but it doesnt feel too bad at all. I have had a few times that
I end up flying right past my prefire. This might be just me doing the water bit bad, but maybe mess around with a higher ramp?
probably not necessary tho

-jump 13 - I am not huge on this jump. Even with the auto timing   it feels super weird to hit. I wouldn't be surprised if its just my
unfamiliarity with this setup, but it just feels lucky. I think a version where you can see your prefire coming for a bit might work out a
bit better, at least for me. always been p bad at blind stuff on blind stuff like this though, so that might be it. couldn't find any cheats, but I have a low iq cheat brain.

-jump 14 -  I could not do this jump for the life of me. I am really bad at tight ctap doubles, and apparently ones
where I have tons of time as well when I rj up. can you get a ctap double while jumping off? I was able to get a triple on the wall I think, but never a quad. I feel like I am doing this jump super wrong, but can't figure out wrong is.
Ill need to grind it some more. Playing offline probably didn't help, p bad at syncs there.

also I was able to ctap to triple from the starting plat, and skip the catch with a wallshot, specially with a retriple. idk if you know about that. also wouldn't be surprised if there was cheese with doubling and wallshoting back.

-jump 15 - looks cool, and the water is a good height, otherwise I wasn't able to beat it. I am going to grind 14 and 15 a bit more once I wake up, so I can get a good opinion of the spacing.

There does seem to be a theme in the beginning of interesting wallsync setups, unique ramp
jumps, and weird prefires; all sorta seem connected and similar in feel, but are all really unique. once it gets to some of the latter stuff I feel like map
deviates a bit from that. You go from getting a lot of air and speed in the beginning, to stuff like 13, and 14, which are
much more tight and and slower. I feel like it messes a bit with the flow of the map. I am personally not huge on those types of jumps (though I don't hate them by any means), and am not great at them additionally; I'm sure thats part of it. It would be cool though to have some jumps instead that feel more similar to the earlier jumps, whatever the fuck that means..,. 
Also I feel like the curve is p reasonable, though I do think 14 especially is quite a bit more difficult then the previous jumps.
Overall really fun map though, look forward to seeing more versions.

Also I spent a bit of time on everything, but def could have spent longer. Let me know if you feel I got a wrong idea of the spacing on anything. I probably am doing some stuff wrong.


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added some jumps, rearranged some stuff (made 14 a bonus)
also i started detailing jump 1 (ye i know the displacements arent stitched together its a wip)
curious to know if people want to keep last in the map as it might be inconsistent
« Last Edit: December 30, 2018, 03:16:56 PM by Starkie »


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Is this finished yet? cuz im looking for a map to make a video...

...yes im back. :]


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Is this finished yet? cuz im looking for a map to make a video...

...yes im back. :]


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need to finish detailing first but I'd love an xhappy showcase  8)


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B3 released
Jumps are in various stages of being detailed, i forgot to light last


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On level 2, both walls beside the water are glitched. You can go out of the map.

On the last level, you can cheat by wallshot at beside walls, also the wall above the ramp is shootable.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2019, 11:23:36 AM by xHappy- »