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Triggify + Jumper Triggify

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A gentleman going by the name of GorangeNinja, who's an active member of CS:GO surfing community made a tool to automatically turn your surfaces into trigger_teleports.

How it works:

1. You mark your faces you want to have teleports on with a certain texture (pick something that is easy and short to type)
2. Drag your .vmf onto the .exe and fill in everything you need (tele height, texture name, destination, etc. Pick the CS:S option for TF2 maps).
3. Get a generated_triggers.vmf that will contain all your triggers
4. Use paste special to copy triggers in your map
5. Use the video tutorial above because it explains everything in a better way

Then, I have slightly changed this piece of software to work with TF2 entities that are mostly painful to place manually: func_nogrenades and func_clip_vphysics. Same algorithm, less stuff to type in, just the height and texture name.

Please note that some complicated faces may be corrupted and have to be remade manually and there is a limit of 1 trigger per solid. So if you have a big cube covered with the "triggify texture", the trigger will only be placed on top of the solid.

Shoutout to Victor for sharing this in RJWeekly discord.


trigger_teleport (original): https://github.com/GorangeNinja/Triggify/releases/download/v1.1/drag_map_onto_me.exe
func_nogrenades: https://github.com/match-tf/Triggify/releases/download/1.1tf/nonadefy.exe
rollers: https://github.com/match-tf/Triggify/releases/download/1.1tf/rollerfy.exe


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Hey :)
 I made some changes to the nonadefy code, such that it will make a nonade brush on all the sides having the texture. So it does work now as well when having textures on the sides of the brush. It only works if the textured face is flat along an axis. Here is the link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jxujbs7net3nh2/nonadefy2.zip?dl=0

btw in your code there is one " too much in the starting t string of the vmf, at "detailmaterial" "detail/detailsprites_2fort"". (or maybe it is just something I messed up without noticing it)
Edit: mhm it doesnt seem to work
Edit2: It does work now, the link is updated
« Last Edit: May 09, 2019, 04:26:53 PM by Umaroth-24 »