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New Custom Gamemode - The Floor is Lava


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Hey Jump Academy, I just wanted to let you know about a little project I've been working on. It's a Soldier vs Soldier team deathmatch where you have to keep rocket jumping to avoid taking damage, there is no falling or rocket jump damage, you have infinite ammo and secondaries are removed but melees are still permitted. So if you're all about rocket jumping, airshots, and Market Gardening, this is the mod for you.

It's still a WIP but most of the major issues are ironed out so if you'd like to give it a go I have a server of it hosted @ . It's only a small server at the moment since it's just been used primarily for testing but it can be increased if there's enough interest (Although this mod could get super chaotic with more than 10 people).

If you have any questions about it let me know and I'll be happy to reply.


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I really, really like the gamemode. It's a lot of fun to combine both rocket jumping and airshots! Though, there are a few things that I believe could be improved on:

- The arena is quite boring. I believe it's not tall enough, and I would like more platforms to shoot on. I would like to see ramps, death-pits and maybe even bouncepads added. I think you could build some really awesome maps for this gamemode, and I would like to make a few!
- There seems to be a bug with the floor hurting you. If you jump out from up high, the gamemode still think you are on the ground.
- I think airshots should deal more damage, because they are really hard to land.
- When you kill someone, I think you should be healed back up to full health again. It seems more fair, more like a real MGE.
- It would be awesome if syncs could be included in some way. I don't know how, but it would be awesome :)

Nice job with the gamemode, looking forward to more updates.


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Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

1) I totally agree the arena is a bit bland at the moment, my focus has been on the plugin but now that that's in a good state I'll work on making more interesting maps.
2) I think this bug is to do with the map geometry and sticking to walls for some reason, I can't do much to fix this, but hopefully this won't happen in the new maps.
3) You take reduced damage when you are on the floor, 50% to be exact, so in a way airshots deal twice as much damage as floor shots, unfortunately there's no easy way to detect if it's a "true" airshot (i.e., the damage taken wasn't splash from the floor or a wall), so it's hard to reward that specifically.
4) I think that's a fair consideration in a 1v1 setting but when it comes to team play I think this would just snowball good players to victory.
5) What do you mean exactly, do you mean with the post-round achievements? If so that's probably do-able.