I wrote a Discord bot a few weeks ago with the limited tempus API that I was able to find, so I figured I'd just let anybody use it.
Commands are:
- !swr <map>
- !dwr <map>
- !swrb <map> <bonus-num>
- !dwrb <map> <bonus-num>
- !swrc <map> <course-num>
- !dwrc <map> <course-num>
- !rr
- !rrb
- !rrc
- !rrtt
- !m <map>
- !p <player-name>
- !srank <player-name>
- !drank <player-name>
- !stime <map> <number> (note - only works for top ten times because API doesn't let me do any more)
- !dtime <map> <number> (note - only works for top ten times because API doesn't let me do any more)
- !si <server-name> (see below)
The !si command looks up the current map the given server(s) is/are on and gives you connect info. The stuff below should give you an idea - just try !si with the name of a server from the list below and you'll figure out how it works - it's kinda hard to explain.
config.servers = [
{names:["aub", "au1"], ip:"", port:27015},
{names:["aua", "au2"], ip:"", port:27025},
{names:["useb", "use1"], ip:"", port:27015},
{names:["usny1","usnyb"], ip:"", port:27015},
{names:["usny2","usnya"], ip:"", port:27025},
{names:["usea", "use2"], ip:"", port:27025},
{names:["uswb", "usw1"], ip:"", port:27015},
{names:["uswa", "usw2"], ip:"", port:27025},
{names:["tpnb", "eub"], ip:"", port:27015},
{names:["tpna", "eua", "eua1"], ip:"", port:27025},
{names:["tpna2", "eua2"], ip:"", port:27095},
{names:["ab", "afb"], ip:"", port:26015},
{names:["aa", "afa"], ip:"", port:26016},
{names:["r", "rus"], ip:"", port:27050}
config.server_groups = [
{name:"us", servers:["useb", "usea", "uswb","uswa", "usny1", "usny2"]},
{name:"usw", servers:["uswb","uswa"]},
{name:"use", servers:["useb", "usea"]},
{name:"usny", servers:["usny1", "usny2"]},
{name:"eu", servers:["tpnb", "tpna", "tpna2"]},
{name:"asia", servers:["ab", "aa"]},
{name:"au", servers:["aub", "aua"]}
I've basically exhausted what can be made with the current tempus API but if more stuff becomes possible later I'll probably add it in.
Let me know if there are any issues on discord or steam. No guarantees about uptime but unless somebody breaks it or I'm updating it it should remain online.
Known Issues:
Add the bot to your server here:
https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=240944061458939904&scope=bot&permissions=0Bot's name is tempus-bot#8070 on discord if you just want to pm it