Inspired by 879m's Tempus !ntop per capita rankings (,3099.0.html), I thought it would be interesting to compare the countries of Tempus and find the superior countries where the gamer juices flow naturally.
The data used for all of this is taken directly from a snapshot of the Tempus country data (thanks scotch) on the 29th May 2020.
- To reduce outliers, only players in the top 10,000 overall ranks on Tempus from any particular country are included; there are about 75k ranked players overall, but rank 10,000 only has 140 points, so including 65k people with less than 140 points skews the data quite a lot.
- The only statistic which uses the total Tempus population per country instead of the sample population is the points per capita.
- For the Top 20 summary tables I created, the outliers are removed even further to exclude any country with a sample size less than 40 (40 players from that country in the top 10,000). Otherwise we end up with results like this

Boshy who?
- The raw data without any exclusions includes a total of 95 countries
- The dataset with outliers removed compares the statistics of 35 countries - the remaining 60 had sample sizes too small and skewed the data greatly.
Here are some of the Top 20 Summaries for a couple of the statistics I found particularly interesting. I'll include a link to all of the raw data and the reduced data in case there are some more interesting comparisons to be made.
These two are based on the average points per record per person in each country.

Some stuff to note:
- 426/428 of the Ukraine's map records are by Boshy (99.53%), 270/272 of the Ukraine's course records are by Boshy (99.26%), and all 703 of the Ukraine's bonus records are by Boshy (100%). Overall, Boshy contributes 1399 of the total 1403 records from the Ukraine (99.71% of the records)
- Similarly:
- Soup accounts for 98.34% of the total records from Norway.
- Kaptain accounts for 97.37% of the total records from the Netherlands.
- 20 of Kaptain's 31 map records are on T6 maps, which is why the Netherlands is ranked 1st in the Highest Quality Map Records.
- Vice accounts for 90.70% of the total records from Singapore.
- Song accounts for 87.35% of the total records from Korea (but 98.90% of the total bonus records!)
- Kater accounts for 85.80% of the total records from Australia
- Cander accounts for 100% of the total records from Indonesia
- Teardrop accounts for 75% of the total records from Canada
- Overall, these 8 players hold 82.77% of all of the map records on Tempus.
- Those players' contributions to their countries also include bonuses and courses however; taking into account only map records for combined classes, 88.81% of all of the map records on Tempus are by the top 10 record holders by count, who are:
- Boshy - 426
- Vice - 177
- Kater - 116
- Soup - 104
- Teardrop - 45
- Kidder - 32
- Kaptain - 31
- Zike - 28
- Song - 24
- un gato - 17
Total: 1000 map world records from 10 people out of a total of 1126 possible records (combined classes)
- Out of a total of 3106 TOTAL records across all maps, bonuses and courses (for both classes), the top 10 record holding countries have 3057 of the total records (98.42%).
Boshy holds 45.04% of every possible record on Tempus. Boshy also accounts for approximately 76% of all of the soldier records on Tempus.
There are of course a lot more interesting things that can be found from this data if anyone is interested.
Here is the link - just make a copy of it and you can do whatever you want with it (assuming anyone can even be bothered with this like myself).
All of the data sheets are sorted by default to rank countries by their total points. If you want to sort by something else, select all of the data (excluding the rank column) and create a filter.
Remember that this data is a snapshot of Tempus on the 29th May - these results won't stay current for long, but they should still be relatively indicative of the state of the Tempus rankings for the time being since all of the really skilled players are still holding a huge majority of the records, and the only people who seem to actually be breaking them are other people from the top 10 (generally).
If anyone else is bored enough to mess around with this data, share any interesting stuff you find