OLD (b3):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S3zoBDC1aBL53CNgGRVWNVitIEw1fokP/view?usp=sharingOLD (b2):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e2coGYASSDZ_xVrlDyaCUIMgwLfWYCwn/view?usp=sharingChangelog (b2)GeneralNumbered all jumps (need r_renderoverlayfragment 1 in console to see).
Most point_spotlight entities in the map and some of their corresponding prop models were off-center by 1 unit. After a lot of pain, they are all centered now.
Updated all sakura tree models to the latest version.
JumpsJump 2 - Retextured part of the wall above the glass for consistency.
Jump 3 - Retextured part of the divider for consistency.
Jump 5 - Retextured sync platform to be more consistent with the rest of the map?s texture scheme.
Jump 6-7 connector - Made light prop in the bridge nonsolid. Sorry Aurora.
Jump 8 - Added indicator stripes on the initial wallshots to show the area in which the player needs to be to make it through the last wallshot gap.
Jump 8-9 connector - Added another lamp to improve lighting and visibility.
Jump 9 - Replaced skip platform pillars with pipe pillars used elsewhere in the map to make it look a bit nicer.
Jump 10 - Clipped the downward ramp to prevent an issue with players accidentally texture bugging the face and failing the jump.
Jump 10-11 connector - Textured visible nodraw face on button of bridge.
Jump 11 - Removed water in the main teleport area to fix the water rendering glitch in the sync area. Not sure how I ever let this get in the first version honestly.
Jump 14-15 connector - Fixed floating lamp above water exit.
Jump 18 - Lowered outside water level to match the sync water to fix the water rendering glitch.
Jump 20 - Fixed some playerclip issues. Improved texture alignment on pillars next to end cp. Fixed buggy displacement pillar. Made text that appears in the teleport door at the end fade in and out less obnoxiously.