It'd be the best if mappers didn't put all this bullshit in the first place. As it stands I'm all in for removing all of the stuff.
Sure it will be inconsistent with LAN speedrunning, but at least it will make times consistent within the system they are being compared in. LAN and server times can't be compared 1:1 anyway cause of different starting and ending positions, and all that.
Sometimes people can get a better time just because someone opened the door earlier accidentally for them, and what they are supposed to do then, just reset the run cause it's unfair? Sure it wouldn't matter in the beginning when times are 7-11 seconds apart, but when it'll come down to fraction of the second who holds the WR, runners will have to use all the advantages they can, especially if the current #1 is held by someone who had help.
I'm all in for making it as competitive as possible. I wouldn't want to know someone has, for example, beaten my time just because someone held the door for him or called the elevator. Even though it's pretty shitty to mess with people's mapping, it's better than the alternative, and mappers called it on themselves for making pointless breakables and slow opening doors.