This is a little off-topic from this jump pack in particular, but many people who are looking to get the most out of an offline jumping experience probably have the same question on their mind, or maybe don't even know to ask it.
I've been using this pack a lot recently because I have bad internet, so offline is the only place I can jump competently. I learned to jump online and when my internet improves, I'd like to return to spending most of my time online. So, while offline, I'd like to have ping like online so I'm practicing under that condition. I've been using net_fakelag, but there's a slight issue. Sometimes, the game doesn't run at the correct speed (and yes, host_timescale is still 1). I've been looking all over for answers but the closest I've got is
this thread in the CS:GO reddit from 10 months ago, which has someone else struggling with the same problem in that game, but doesn't give a resolution. The degree to which things are sped up seems to be consistent throughout a session, and I've been testing with a metronome to ensure that the game is running at the right speed, doing retry in console until it does. As you might imagine, it's a pretty annoying way to begin a map, and occasionally I've forgotten to make sure the timing is right only to realize several jumps in that the reason that I'm struggling with some jump is because the game is running slightly too fast.
Is there a plugin, a fix, or something else that I can use to play offline with fake ping, or do I have to work with this broken method and calibrating my rocket's shots to a metronome?