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Texture Timer Prefab

pants · 3 · 4769


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Here's a timer that uses the same logic system as the Drexen timer in order to ensure that they are both completely in sync (I have played with other simpler methods but this will ensure they are identical). However, instead of using tons of func_brushes to display digits it simply uses 'animated' textures which have frames corresponding for the digits 0-9, taken from the stock moonbase textures. This should allow mappers to put many timer displays throughout a map without hogging up entities/brushes as each additional display is simply 7 entities (counting the little dots to separate numbers).

You can also easily make your own numbers from other textures, all that is required to change is the texture applied to the func_brushes. Additionally, the start trigger in the prefab is a teleport to the 'speedrun start', if you want to have a player walk through a tunnel or something instead to start you can swap this to a trigger_multiple or just clear the destination field.

Bsp prefab and textures (includes forwards and backwards counting texturetoggle textures for 0-9 and 0-6; which I have used for other projects)


This one is just to show that running alongside the Drexen display you get the same output.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 07:51:22 PM by pants »


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wew lad