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Sync Checker

Rob123 · 3 · 2643


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Sync Checker

This plugin follows on from what I was doing with Bcheck, providing stats and info relating to jumping techniques. Unlike Bcheck, it seems like it will remain in sourcemod, so most likely will still openly available.

S-Check (No idea about naming) will provide stats about syncs from 2 to 5 rockets, e.g. a normal double to a quint. !scheck is used to enable sync checker mode, which automatically produces the menu after detecting a sync.

Below is a sample output of a quint:

The plugin first recognises your 'base' rocket, which is what you RJ on the floor with. Usually this is your final rocket after setting up the sync. It then adds a line for each rocket in comparison to the base rocket. In the above pic, you can see 4 rockets compared to the base rocket I did the sync with. Each rocket is given a timing (in seconds) and distance spread (in hammer units) in comparison to the base rocket.

Negative timing indicates the rocket hit before your base rocket, positive indicates it was later.
Spread is on an X,Y axis only, so a spread of 0 indicates the rockets would hit the exact same spot.

Overall stats are a sort of summary of the above. 100% timing and 100% aiming are achieved by getting a total of 0 timing and 0 spread stats for all rockets. Obviously that's basically impossible, most good syncs are in the 90% range for timing.

The next thing that I'm quite happy with is the ability to show a snapshot of what your rockets looked like. Note: These are relative to the first rocket which hit. This is sometimes your base rocket as described above, other times not. In situations where one rocket hit super early, this is likely to make the rockets appear very far away, due to the extrapolation. This is still accurate, but worth noting if something looks wrong. Usually it was from a bad sync or random rocket. Below is a sample picture of showing rockets:

These become visible for 6 seconds before hiding again. The first rocket which hit the ground is shown as green. Your base rocket is shown as red. In the case where your base rocket is the first which hit the ground, it will be green. I'm still trying to think up a good way of relating the other rockets to the side menu. So far I've found it a pretty nice thing with visualising what went wrong with a sync. That being said, it does not judge how well the player pressed jump + crouch + shoot for the final rocket. This means a 100% timing and 100% aiming sync could still be achieved without even pressing jump, or badly timing it.

Hopefully people find this plugin useful, and I'd be interested if people have any ideas on how to expand its functionality.



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