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Gaining Speed while Wall jumping


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Hi, I keep having trouble gaining speed when doing consecutive wall jumps on the right wall. I'm not sure where I should be aiming my rockets to gain speed. In all the videos I see of people wall jumping they seem to aim in different places. Some aim more behind them, some aim more in front. I know that you aim more in front as you gain speed but some people seem to be able to aim in front from the very start even when they aren't moving very fast. Also, when do you start to hold down the d key to strafe back to the wall? Right after you fire the rocket or do you wait a bit longer? In case you're wondering, I'm trying to get across the large chasm in jump_tholos without landing on the platforms.


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when wall-jumping or even wall-pogoing, its very important to know where you're rockets are going at all times. this is why i shun people who get rid of their view models, especially if they use stock. if you're not already gaining speed, you should start flicking more while wall jumping. the more/less you flick back, the faster/slower you'll go. #20 on jump_bomb is a good place to practice this.


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bomb #20 is a shitty place to learn wall jumping

op just keep practicing tholos

to answer your questions:

Some aim more behind them, some aim more in front. I know that you aim more in front as you gain speed but some people seem to be able to aim in front from the very start even when they aren't moving very fast.

The more forward you aim, the more your forward momentum will be converted to (limited) vertical momentum.  As you're starting out, if you aim about 45 degrees back (so, if 90 degrees back is parallel to the ground and 0 degrees is straight down, 45 is down and back) gets you some speed and some height.  90 degrees back gets you speed, but because of gravity you won't be able to continue wall jumping, as you need to have some sort of bounce (like speed pogoing).  aiming directly next to you or slightly ahead will result in less speed but slightly more bounce/height.  And as you go faster, aiming ahead will result in the explosion occurring right next to you. 

Also, when do you start to hold down the d key to strafe back to the wall? Right after you fire the rocket or do you wait a bit longer?

Play around with what works for you, but I press it immediately after letting go of A.

I'm trying to get across the large chasm in jump_tholos without landing on the platforms.

Just be careful not to hit the ceiling.  I found that on tholos, once you get high enough on the wall to see the shadow line or above, you're risking getting too high.  Hit the ceiling = kill momentum and fail the jump. 


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Also, when do you start to hold down the d key to strafe back to the wall? Right after you fire the rocket or do you wait a bit longer?

Play around with what works for you, but I press it immediately after letting go of A.

I do the same. I switch to A as soon as I shoot a rocket, if I was looking back or at the wall then I flick my view forward while still holding A, as soon as my view gets forward I switch to D and hold while I turn my view back towards the wall so that I air strafe back into the wall. If I am moving at a fast speed so that I am aiming forward with my wallshots then I still do the same thing but there's just less mouse movement if any at all. When you get moving fast enough it's really just switching to A when you fire and then back to holding D until you fire your next rocket. If you still drift away from the wall any at all then you will just need to move your view towards the wall a bit when you switch to D to air strafe back on.