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Server Commands and Features


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Link to ECJ Server MOTD
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Current list of all public commands:

!MOTD - Message Of The Day (Server Information)
!Help - Displays the help menu
!MapInfo - Displays map information
!Servers - Server Hop
!Ammo - Regenerate ammo
!S - Save your location
!T - Teleport to location
!Syncr - Rocket Sync Assist
!TP - Third Person
!FP - First Person
!SKeys - Show keys
!Hide - Hides players
!Nominate - Choose a map for mapvote
!RTV - Initiate a map vote
!VE - Vote Extend
!Reset - Teleport to start
!Restart - Teleports to start, clears save, and allows point recapture
!Showme - Jumpbot performs the current jump
!Fov 60-120 - Change field of view
!KS - Automatically enable killstreak of 10 for your killstreak weapons
!ShowTriggers - Displays map triggers, generally those that teleport
!IRC - Shows/Hides IRC chat.

JumpBot is a plugin written by AI, which records and plays back player movements. The current main use is to demonstrate how jumps are performed.

To see it in action, type !showme in chat

This plugin is currently in testing stages. Not all courses have been recorded.

Sync Reflex Trainer (Synr)
SyncR helps train timings for rocket syncs by showing where rockets land and how well rockets are launched together.

The rocket laser shows red near impact, and blue when the player's body overlaps with an earlier rocket. When rockets are bundled together correctly, the rockets will emit a crit sound.

Type !syncr in chat to toggle.

Concussion Grenades
Concussion grenades are available for scout and medic. These are bombs with a timed explosion that can be used to boost the player across gaps.
To use conc, you must first bind +conc to a key.
In the tf2 console, type 'bind [key] +conc'.

Bungee is available for spy. It is just as it sounds, a bungee laser that allows the spy to latch onto walls and other players.
To use bungee, you must first bind +bungee to a key.
In the tf2 console, type 'bind [key] +bungee'

Regex Word Filtering
Blocks a set of words based on a configuration and removes chat clutter.

Good luck and have fun!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 11:00:56 PM by JoinedSenses »