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Changing gravity and a skybox question

879m · 8 · 1527


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How do I change the gravity in a specific part of the map? I tried using a trigger_gravity with the gravity set to -800 but this just makes me stop instantly and have -800 gravity for the rest of the map. What do I do to get gravity like in abuq?

Also, with a 2D skybox texture, parts of the map can be seen in the sky, like on ring. On carrot 8 though, it has a skybox texture all around it, but you can't see other parts of the map through it. How do I get the skybox to do this?
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 03:01:51 PM by 879m »


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the grav value has to be between 1 and -1, ex. .5 gives you half gravity and negative values make you float up.  be sure to surround the trigger with trigger_gravity 1 to revert the changes

not sure about your second question, but i think there's some skybox brush ( tools_skybox?)

Dr. Heinz

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You can use a push trigger.

I don't know anything about mapping.


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I haven't tried it but glancing at https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Trigger_gravity

I gather that you need to have one trigger that sets grav to -1 then another trigger that sets it back to 1. I would recommend putting 1 at the start of the jump as well as the end so teleports don't fuck people over.


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How do I change the gravity in a specific part of the map? I tried using a trigger_gravity with the gravity set to -800 but this just makes me stop instantly and have -800 gravity for the rest of the map. What do I do to get gravity like in abuq?

Also, with a 2D skybox texture, parts of the map can be seen in the sky, like on ring. On carrot 8 though, it has a skybox texture all around it, but you can't see other parts of the map through it. How do I get the skybox to do this?

So on your second question, I've run into this to. It can be easily fixed but you might have to take some skybox away. From what I've seen, if there are two visible skyboxes but are seperated by walls and are on different points on the y axis, parts of the map will show through, and the skybox glitches some too.


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To fix the skybox problem, the easiest way is to separate different rooms. The things you see in the skybox is just brushes that are connected with where you are standing.

So try to play with teleporters. If the skybox is only applied on a small surface or on only one side of the room, you can try to move everything that you see in the skybox to place it on the side where it'll be covered by a wall.

I hope it's understandable  ???


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Thanks for the help everyone. The gravity is working properly now, but I think I'll just get rid of most of the skybox, seeing as my map uses connectors.


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As I said, if you use connectors, just use them to move a bit the rest of the rooms, but only if you wanna keep your skybox ! :)