Hey guys.
I'm trying to work out what would be a good crouch key and detonation key for me on Demoman.
For soldier, i use mouse2 for crouch, and that works out great for me. The problem is, i played a lot of TF2 with the crouchjump script on most classes except for some, like soldier. I never really manually crouched with other classes, like demoman (I know, i suck, crouchjump script is bad for you and a crutch, etc).
I want to start jumping with Demoman properly and I've been trying to find keys i can bind crouch and det to that i feel comfortable with, but i can't seem to find it. I know a lot of people use shift, or other keys around that area for crouch, but i never use my pinky in gaming, I'm not used to it at all and I've tried playing like that, but i can't seem to do it, it feels too unnatural.
I tried changing the crouch key to mouse2 on demoman, like i have with soldier. And i put attack2 (sticky detonation) on the 'r' key. This worked out pretty well, but was a huge crutch in the end since i couldn't hit the 'd' key while detonating, which results in me being pretty limited when it comes to strafing and playing demo in real matches. So, that didn't really work out.
So this post is mainly asking for advice on what you guys might think could be a good detonation key or crouch key on demoman for me. I'd really appreciate any help you guys have to offer, thank you.