We've been given the ok the make a collab map for tipofthehats, so lets get started. bshear is going to put it together not me so don't worry it wont be shit.
Soldier map
Difficulty: Hard around Jump_it difficulty but slighty easier. Keep in mind it's gonna be streamed so don't make some precision bullshit that takes 10 minutes.
Deadline is September 5th
2 jumps per person
Send jumps to bshear:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdsky: sky_morningsnow_01
light environment details
Pitch Yaw Roll: 0 131 0
Pitch: -25
Brightness: 251 199 174 450
Ambient: 196 174 210 170
HDR brightness: -1 -1 -1 -1
HDR Ambi: -1 -1 -1 -1
SunSpreadAngle: 5