Hello, everyone. Recently there was discovered a trick based on angles (cl_showpos/getpos) that allows you to 100% consistently bouncehop on every platform that has teleheight 1 (and a platform to jump from). This trick can easily save time on maps like jump_isak_b4, jump_twelve, jump_daylight_a2 or any map that has long downpogo and a floor with teleheight 1. Here's the example:
Basically, all you need to do is to line up for the right angle (using cl_whospos or cl_pitchdown), standshoot (or crouchshoot) and bouncehop at the bottom. We (Boshy, Xtra, flac, Tyrael) are working on a spreadsheet, which currently has 9 maps (and some maps don't have all angles), but we have a whole lot of other maps to mess with. The reason why we bring it up so early is the "cl_pitchdown" command which can't be used unless server has "sv_cheats" enabled (same as "wait"). So some people wanted to ban the "cl_pitchdown" command from tempus, since it needs "sv_cheats" (the trick is still possible with manual lining up, using low sensivity for presicion, but it's 3-7 secs slower), which I kinda agree with. BUT, banning it would create a serious problem with people being able to easily macro it (and mat_fullbright 1 is also allowed, even though it needs "sv_cheats"). And since this trick is easier than freezbug and is not as obvious, tracking macroed runs down would be a hard task (not talking about world records only, about all top times). Also allowing "cl_pitchdown" to be used will make it way easier for newer (new to the trick/jump in general) players to use it too. So there's the problem that needs to be solved, so please suggest anything if you have an idea.