I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, so here is a general run down of the tas process.
First you use tas record to start the recording. This starts a recording with no name, and you don't give it one until you save the recording for the first time, usually after you have recorded some things.
Next you record your jumping. The commands you use are tas frame save, to create save points, tas frame goto, to go to your most recent save point, tas frame rewind x, to rewind x ticks in the recording and tas frame delete, to delete your most recent save point.
Next, after you have recorded some things, you use tas save x to save your recording, where x is the file name you want. The plugin automatically puts the map name in the recording name, so if you are playing on 4starters and use tas save tas1 you would end up with a file called jump_4starters-tas1.
If you want to go back to a recording you have made already to work on it more, using tas list will show a list of all recordings saved for the current map. Then you use tas load x, where x is the name of your recording NOT including the map name, only the part after the -.