i'm not even rank 250 (i think, i am top 250 if we're talking about s or d)...
Melon you need to stop using anecdotal evidence because what works for you may not necessarily work for someone else. You also do realize that what Tempus "is", is up to Rob123 and jayess, right? Whatever "competitive" jump means to Rob123 and jayess is what's its going to be for Tempus. Your definition doesn't really make a much of a difference.
While I do see your point, I don't think it's really one that's good for the health of the community (hell, what do I know, jump.tf is a cesspool & I'm not sure what Rob123 and jayess want). I don't really see blocking off majority of players from the advanced servers, leaving it to only 250 players to "compete" with each other. With that being said, if something like this DOES go through, majority of players will be forced to play on one single server to run maps to get said points, with other new players
constantly rtv'ing and playing the same maps over and over again because with the inclusion of t3 and t4 maps to the beginner servers, you've essentially
raised the amount of rtv'ing on the server, which is going to kill off the beginner server quite quickly, for those trying to learn and those that are trying to get into the top 250.
Honestly all I see is a sense of entitlement coming from the top jumpers because they've been wronged so many times because these kids just rtv and not ve maps that they've been running. That's easily fixed through vote/rtv permissions, without causing new players to have to be banned/redirected from playing the advanced servers.
While restricting to top 250 will lower the amount of joining from players on the advanced servers, you're leaving the beginner server to die. The obvious optimal solution is to fix the join stutter lag in the first place, which should be prioritized because having a better functioning plugin that works for everyone is better than isolating the prestigious 250 and making it so that
only they get benefits.
I do agree that the ve/rtv restriction requirements should be increased on the advanced servers; having players beat jump_rush doesn't really make them suitable for advanced maps.
just my 2cents. I by no means am a top jumper, hell not even a decent jumper, but I feel that getting varied opinions is beneficial to a healthy debate
also you voted for powerbounce so your words are already worthless by default...