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Buildvisleafs (and map optimisation?)

pants · 8 · 1950


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Looking for mature, experienced, sexy mappers in my local area to help me out here. Working on a map, was compiling fine when I had around ~10 or so jump rooms plonked around my messy map; finished working on and testing more (~20), so I decide to try and compile with VIS and RAD to check and tune lighting etc.

The compile log seems to suggest that visleafs are the problem with it stating "BuildVisLeafs:       0...1...2...3..You are out of memory!" etc etc. Go into map and I'm back to shitty fullbright.

I went back, tried my best to nodraw as much I could, then func_brush, starting conservatively and then aggressively on basically anything not a giant wall or whatever encloses each room. Compiler still says the same thing, even counting lower (it went up to 7-8 before) before the error pops up.

I've tried getting my ahead around ways to eek more optimisation, even by (and probably stupidly, resulting in time wasted moving entity origins back inbounds) moving as much of the map as I can onto a similar plane (z) so that other rooms aren't easily visible.

Basically at a loss what to do here, any pointers would be groovy.

Linkeridoos that might assist (vmf and the compiler log)


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1) why is there nodraw over EVERYTHING? the only parts that need to be nodraw'ed are parts not visible to the player. your walls should not have a nodraw box over them.
2) you're mapping off the grid or at 1 grid size, this is going to cause you trouble if you keep going so I would fix everything and put it on a 16 grid or 8 grid if possible.

for your issue... you may want to consider raising the lightmap scale textures on your map from 16 to 24 or 32. or even 64 if they're very large walls that don't require a large amount of shadows. check here for more info on lightmaps.


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Yeah your map has too many lightmaps for Hammer to handle, which is quite interesting, considering you only have 43 direct lights. Anyway, to fix, click Edit > Select All. Open up the texture browser thingy, put "Lightmap Scale" at a higher value, I tried 32 and it worked, but you can lower it for better lighting detail for releases (I usually use 24 for releases).

Aside from that, the problem would not have been fixed from putting nodraw over everything, nor from func_detail-ing everything. And as John said, you're either mapping off-grid or with a really small grid size and I encourage using a larger one (8, 16, 32, etc), I recommend 16.

I also highly recommend that you don't place anything too close to the edges of the grid (I think about 1000 units off in all 3 axes should be a good rule of thumb), since that can cause errors as well.


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If you want an easier time mapping, consider starting off at 64 or 32 grid and going downwards if you need more detail. This ensures that you will most likely not get immediate leaks (if you do, it'll be easy to fix).

If you want to go the container first then jump, I suggest you utilize the Make Hollow function from right clicking a block. Set the number to 32 or 64 and boom, easy.


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Yeah thanks all, I literally just tried upping the scale across the board (16->32) and it seems to have worked. Some googling also suggested that using a 64 bit compiler can get around memory issues such as this, although I'm still a bit flummoxed why it is so.

(The vast majority of that nodraw is from nogrenades over walls)

The grid size was due to me stuffing around with some bounce heights/eb earlier, and the offsets are broadly due to me moving around rooms in frustration, of which I'll now have to stuff around to get looking somewhat nice again.

I guess adding in func_details can't hurt too much in the end.

Edit: Yes John for most jumps I used that method. (at like 32 thickness)


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the vrad compiler is 32-bit so the max memory that could be allocated to it is 4ish gb. 64-bit extends that to 16.8 million terabytes.


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