On jump_panama me and salsa finished at the exact same time. However he was just before me and had gotten 4th place. My rank did not show up and it didn't appear with !dtime or !pr. Though it did show up in the side panel but once I reconnected to server it went away. Might want to see if you can fix that.
Also there should be a stickied post just for bugs and stuff.
edit: Though this may be rare and unlikely, on the chance of it happening on a big run would be DEVASTATING, if it's an actual bug and not a one time thing.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 03:53:50 PM by Foss l Obeezyfanclub »
Obeezy #1 fan
shoutout to my main man obz and my good friend b boogie. They are wonderful people.