At 4:40:18 AM PST on 11/29/2015, Mireal started modifying usergroups, modifying posts, and deleting other users' posts. The question is, how did we get admin access?
From what I know, it was either my fault or Mireal exploited a forum flaw. Being that we're on the latest patch for SMF, I'm more inclined to believe that this was my fault.
I was modifying usergroups and had created the "Jump Academy Back Roomer" group for the upcoming JA map. I had created a private subforum for mapping discussion and critique for the JA map, but for other users to access the forum, a usergroup had to be made. This is also the reason why many of you had gotten an email or three regarding accepting someone into the usergroup. Again, my fault.
I overlooked the fact that the emails were sent to everyone-- thinking that it was just because I had inherited permissions from the "Regular Member" usergroup (and I thus reverted that change and made the JABR usergroup use its own permissions). Clearly that wasn't the case. I noticed that Kapuchino had gotten global moderator somehow at 9 PM PST last night, but paid no attention to it because I thought I had made him a global mod before and had forgotten.
And then the plague of Mireal happened (or did it happen before? Mireal posts were always of low quality...) and the forums were in a bad state by the time Rokio started reverting changes at around 9 AM PST. We've currently muted Mireal from posting, further action may be done.
I'm still perplexed at how this happened, as I never modified permissions for Admins themselves, so no member should have gotten them.
Found the issue. I won't disclose what happened but it's stupid. I hate SMF.
Again, sorry for the trouble.
Thanks to those people who messaged us instead of abusing the forums in the vulnerable state that they were in. At least some of you were sensible and decent enough to not ruin lives!