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TFtv/NISLT/jump.tf Collab

Vexon · 86 · 12849


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eXtv, TFtv, and NISLT have all agreed to all of the ideas below. We did it!!! (only using NISLT and TFtv)

TF2RJweekly editors on board: 
Majority of jump community on board: 
Getting eXtv on board: 
Getting TFtv on board: 
Getting NISLT on board:
Dellort agreeing to featuring his upcoming movie on NISLT:

^^^^everybody bug dellort tbh^^^^

So I've been thinking about jumping and why it could possibly be 'dying', and I've come to the conclusion it's because it isn't in the spotlight near as much as competitive or anything else. Surfing may be the only thing under jumping, if not equal to it...which doesn't really make sense given that it's the most popular part of ToTH and such..
Note: NISLT APPROVES! They will do the cool trickjump/speedrun stuff, and TFtv do livestream events. This way, both channels get a piece of the pie..eXtv is most likely a no go due to the current state of the their channel. Sorry, eXtine.

NISLT (siN) APPROVES!!! Email Sent (actual email revised):
Hello, I am Vexon. If you don't know me, I am one of the jumpers/well-respected members of jump.tf. Recently I had an idea to improve the health of the jump community with a few concepts. I have been in touch with eXtv, and TFtv, and they both loved my ideas, but we really want to explore our options before we do anything; we do not wish to be hasty here.

Basically, the jump community is in need of more publicity. The top jumpers are slowly leaving, and there's not enough new jumpers to take their places; it's slowly dying. The original idea was to make a bond between eXtv and jump.tf, but given the current status of eXtv's channel, the majority of us think it isn't in the best interest for jumping to pursue that. TFtv's channel was our next choice because it was an active channel with a dedicated audience to TF2, but they do not have the audience we are looking for. We love the idea of the NISLT channel because of a few reasons. One being that it has a higher view count/subscribers than both of the others combined, and two being that the general audience is newer players. We think the biggest growth area is noobs and fan-level people, who get psyched by seeing cool shit, and get inspired to do it themselves. The downside to TFtv is that people who watch it are really into competitive, and not into watching "cool shit". Also, a lot of competitive players (TFtv's majority audience) look at jumping as dumb since "most of it doesn't help in comp". Anyway, I will just get right into the ideas and try and keep this as short as possible.

The First Idea: Dellort (famous jump movie editor) has come back to edit another movie. Assuming you say yes to these ideas, we could use it to be somewhat of an 'intro' to 'Jumping is now a part of NISLT!' . If you watch eXtv's or Dellort's YouTube videos they uploaded featuring Dellort's old jump movies, his videos got a ton of attention. If a modern Dellort jump movie was released with bigger, better jumps than Dellort's old movies, it'd get a lot of attention. The attention Dellort's name (and movie) would draw would really help the jump community because it would attract more people to jumping..especially because a lot of people don't know how advanced modern jumping has become. When people see the skill ceiling has gone way up, keeps climbing, and that there's no plateau in jumping, I feel like it will attract many more people. There has been recent modern jump movies, but they don't get the amount of views they deserve. This is where Dellort's name would really be an asset, as well as your channel.

The Second Idea: Merging NISLT and TF2rjweekly. I am sure you know what TF2RJweekly is (if not its a youtube channel with trickjumps/speedruns of every week), and the owner of the channel has agreed (assuming you are on board with the idea) to upload to another, more popular TF2 channel to get more publicity for jumping (in this case NISLT). We've also been discussing starting a new weekly video called Market Garden of the Week, which the name basically sums it up..Anyway, It would help get TF2rjweekly's jump videos a lot more attention...which like I said before, is what jumping needs. It would also benefit NISLT because it adds a new, unique flavor to the channel. We also have our own editors so this eliminates the need for you or anyone to put in more man hours of editing.

In final, these are both rough, but realistic ideas right now. I will link the jump.tf thread so you can see the feedback of the jump community. Just note, the thread started out with eXtv in mind, changed to TFtv, and now we're aiming for NISLT's approval as well. Nothing is final, we are just exploring our options.

jumptf thread: http://jump.tf/forum/index.php/topic,1635.0.html
TF2rjweekly's channel: *insert TF2rjweekly link here* (if i do it on the forum it opens an empty video attachment)

If you want to add me on Steam to discuss this further, I will link that as well. Thank you for your time.

Sincerley, Vexon

TFtv approved all 3 ideas:
PM I sent to Enigma (runs the TFtv channel):
Hello, I am Vexon. If you don't know me, I am one of the jumpers/well-respected members of jump.tf. Recently I had an idea to improve the health of the jump community with a few concepts. I have been in touch with truktruk, and he told me I could PM you here for this..

Basically, the jump community is in need of more publicity. The top jumpers are slowly leaving, and there's not enough new jumpers to take their places; it's slowly dying. The original idea was to make a bond between eXtv and jump.tf, but given the current status of eXtv's channel, the majority of us think it isn't in the best interest for jumping to pursue that. TFtv's channel, however, is an active channel with a dedicated audience to TF2. I realize it has been strictly competitive, but think about if TFtv also hosted jumping as well. Jumping is a big part of TF2, and I feel like it should be treated as such. I will just get right into the ideas and try and keep this as short as possible.

First, Dellort has come back to edit another movie. Assuming you say yes to these ideas, we could use it to be somewhat of an 'intro' to 'Jumping is now a part of TFtv!' . If you watch eXtv's videos they uploaded featuring Dellort's old jump movies, his videos got a ton of attention. If a modern Dellort jump movie was released with bigger, better jumps than Dellort's old movies, it'd get a lot of attention. The attention Dellort's name (and movie) would draw would really help the jump community because it would attract more people to jumping..especially because a lot of people don't know how advanced modern jumping has become. When people see the skill ceiling has gone way up, keeps climbing, and that there's no plateau in jumping, I feel like it will attract many more people. There has been recent modern jump movies, but they don't get the amount of views they deserve. This is where Dellort's name would really be an asset, as well as your channel.

Secondly, we could have jump races and competitions be featured on TFtv's stream or YouTube. To make races a bit closer together (instead of super spread out like ToTH races), we could do medium tier maps, or easier maps at first. This makes the races a lot closer, and close races are more fun to watch than watching 1 person destroy everyone else. Another race/competition option would be to have 1 vs 1 races similar to MGE tournaments. We have a ladder and it is a bunch of 1v1's, and if you win you move up to the next ladder. The whole 1v1 idea is easier to stream as well since you're only watching two people. This eliminates the need to have the camera man move through a bunch of random players.

Lastly, Merging TFtv and TF2rjweekly. I am sure you know what TF2RJweekly is (if not its a youtube channel with trickjumps/speedruns of the week), and the owner of the channel has agreed (assuming you are on board with the idea) to upload to another, more popular TF2 channel to get more publicity for jumping (in this case TFtv). It would help get TF2rjweekly's videos a lot more attention...which like I said before, is what jumping needs. It would also benefit TFtv and jumping. TFtv, because it adds a new flavor to the channel, and jumping because it would get a lot more publicity. We also have our own editors so this eliminates the need for someone like kurt to need to put more hours into more videos.

In final, these is all rough, but realistic ideas right now. I will link the jump.tf thread so you can see the feedback of the jump community. Just note, the thread started out with eXtv in mind (I didn't realize the state of eXtv's channel).

If you want to add me on Steam to discuss this further, I will link that as well. PMing me back here works just as good. Thank you for your time

Sincerley, Vexon"

eXtv approved all 3 ideas:
1. Dellort's movie being featured on eXtv's channel. This is a shot in the dark, I haven't even asked Dellort yet, but I am sure he wouldn't mind the publicity. If you watch eXtv's 'Top Ten Plays of the Month' videos, about each one has 200,000 views. If a modern jump movie was released, and we got a ton of views, I feel like it would get more people to pay attention to jumping....especially because a lot of people don't know how advanced modern jumping has become.

2. Races being featured on eXtv's YouTube or TFTV's stream. Instead of doing this through some unpopular stream or YouTube, I feel like it would get more publicity if we did it through them...like Dellorts movie. It's about people seeing these events/videos and getting the word out there that jumping is still a thing, and jumping is better and stronger than ever. We're trying to draw attention to get more people into jumping. To make races a bit closer together (instead of super spread out like ToTH races), we could do medium tier maps, or easier maps. This makes the races a lot closer, and close races are more fun to watch than watching 1 person destroy everyone else.

3. Merging eXtv and TF2rjweekly. This is a bit of a reach, and I am not sure how we would do this, but I feel like it would help get TF2rjweekly's videos a lot more attention...which like I said before, is what jumping needs. eXtv has the 'Top Ten Plays of the Month', 'Moments of Glory', etc...why not have jump/run of the week featured on their channel? It would benefit eXtv and jumping. eXtv, because it adds a new flavor to the channel, and jumping because it would get a lot more publicity.

Feedback is appreciated!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 06:39:07 AM by Vexon »
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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2. Yeah sure sounds like a good idea and shouldn't take too much effort.

3. I don't really think that's nessecary. But having extv just shoutout the channel every once and a while or when ever a video from point 2 gets put up.

The only people that say jumping is dying are the ones doing nothing to keep it alive. Regardless of that yeah more coverage would be great, and if eXtine/TFtv is up for it then why the hell not.


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I've always thought jump needed a better showcase format, doing a race stream on easy/medium maps with a mini tourney scoring system would be much more watchable than just the awkward showcases/races done at past ToTH's imo.

Just need to get like 3 or 4 jumpers together to blitz a few maps. Plus with fake e-points at stake and side-by-side comp. would make some stuff more intense to watch. The ideal would be to have a modified tempus style plugin for races, I have no idea how to do that stuff however.


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tbh i feel like you should get some input from both parties and then get back to us with more refined ideas, because all of those sound possible if not plausible, and all of them good.
where we're at currently is basically invisible save for the server browser and tf2rjweekly; any publicity is great

talk to dellort, talk to extine, if either of them show any positivity towards it (and i have a feeling they will) then you're onto something here

sidenote, rnc is right, jumping is evolving, not dying. it only seems to be dying because we're practically invisible to most of the tf2 community and nobody has done anything about it yet


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tbh i feel like you should get some input from both parties and then get back to us with more refined ideas, because all of those sound possible if not plausible, and all of them good.
I agree, and that's what I am doing. I want to get input from the jump community first.

What we know:
1. Plenty of jumpers would gladly participate in jump race competitions, trickjump competitions, etc..
2. We have editors so that eliminates the need for eXtv's editor(s) to edit even more videos.

What we don't know:
1. Dellort putting his movie on eXtv (most likely)
2. If our TF2rjweekly editors are on board
3. If eXtv will want us as a new part of their channel

I was talking to some connections from eXtv, and they want us to have more than an idea before we even talk to eXtine. So before we even know if eXtv is on board, we have to figure out what the jump community would like to do. This is why I am getting feedback from all of you.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 03:41:09 AM by Vexon »
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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I'm okay if both TF2rjweekly and extv uploaded the ROTW/JOTW at same time , but i don't want TF2rjweekly to die or anything. Also, maybe we could do a jump event like a tournament between NA/EU/Asia/AU?
Boom Boom


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For viewers unfamiliar with the maps, watching race competitions is just a disorienting mess.


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For viewers unfamiliar with the maps, watching race competitions is just a disorienting mess.

Well, we could start with beef. Everyone who is anyone knows what beef is. The more viewers and stuff it gets, the more people start jumping..the more people that start jumping, the more maps are familiar. I mean watching 6s competitive is disorienting the first time you watch it, too. The fact of the matter is, the more you watch it and do it, the more it make sense.
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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That or you do short map showcases before a race event?

Either way like Vex says the only way its not unfamiliar is to show it, gotta start somewhere.

Dr. Heinz

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I wouldn't pick extv for this. The channel isn't that populair anymore. It's basically extines personal channel where he dumps random videos...


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Bring back dodgeball instead

Also Heinz is right... Competitive announcements and news are hosted on NISLT, Moments of glory are back in Lucky Luke's channel and extine is doing whatever shit he wants on the original eXtv channel.

Even though trying to bring jumping forward a bit more is a good idea, hosting it on eXtv isn't the way to do it :-\

We know people like jumping in tf2 because it's one of the most watched category during Tip Of Hats each year.
Maybe we can try to launch a big jumping event outside toth and have popular channels to help us announce it?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 07:08:45 AM by Sir Plopy »


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if its extv it's gotta be professional. So no more bshear edits ):


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I wouldn't pick extv for this. The channel isn't that populair anymore. It's basically extines personal channel where he dumps random videos...
This is kinda what I thought as well. Extv used to be the place to go for tf2 stuff, but that was a while ago.

If you look at extv's videos for the past several months, all the videos have between 500views and 7-8kish views except for Top 10 plays and MoG, which are moving to Lucky Luke's channel like plopy said, and in his recent vlog extine explained that the channel would be more about different games and random videos going forward.  To me extv stopped being tf2 central back when teamfortresstv started taking off, and they are now getting similar view average numbers with 1/5 of the subscribers of extv.  Now, it's possible that if we put jump stuff on extv those videos would be the ones that got a lot more views, but I'm not entirely convinced it's the best place for it.

I do agree that jump could do with more exposure though, whether it's through hitching on to an existing popular channel, or getting better about marketing and advertising and making content for the ones we already have.  I think we definitely need to work on some formats though. So far, streamed races have been chaotic at best, either the streamer watches the pov of the person in first place or clicks between people randomly or tries to fly around in spec.  There's no really good system in place for streamlining how jump races should work, and how best to display them, which could help a lot with making a unified experience to show around to people.

I'm also not entirely convinced that jump wouldn't fit into GDQ, but that's another discussion.

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I definitely agree that Extv isn't the best place to be going for more exposure. If anything we should try to see if we can get weekly/bi-weekly/monthly races streamed on teamfortress.tv and then plug TF2RJWeekly on that.

We'd need to make jump races easier to watch though. I definitely think that a course walkthrough first would really help viewability, even if it would double the amount of time spent on each map. This way people can compare the intended jumps with some of the speedrun strats people will be using to win.

Also if we could make it possible to see where people are on the map relative to each other it would make it feel a lot more competitive I think. Some kind of bar on screen representing the whole map with player markers showing where each player is within the map. I'm no plugin wizard but I feel like there would have to be a way to do this (maybe adding special triggers separating each jump in a map). This way the stream view could just stay focused on the person in first place but people can still get an idea for how close it is.