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jump_bonus collab

John · 33 · 4577


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hello friends it's time to submit all your jumps that were too lame or too whack for a regular map to me because jump_bonus is going to be a thing

Deadline: April 23rd, 2016 Map release date TBD.

We're looking to get 20-30 jumps total, so no mapper can submit more than 5 jumps. Ideally jumpers submit 1-3 jumps each, but 5 is fine.
Don't make your jump TOO overly frustrating. Even though it's a bonus no one likes to play absolutely garbage jumps. Difficult and annoying are two different things.

Texture-wise, just make it not all one texture and ugly looking and it'll be fine.
Name your teleports/entities bonus_name_jumpnumber_entity or whatever as long as you don't do something like 'bonus1' because if everyone does then it's going to be a problem
Make sure your jump compiles (no leaks jfc) and you're not trying to avoid leak issues by surrounding the jump with skybox.
Jumps can be for either class, just make sure to tell me which is which.

Skybox: http://css.gamebanana.com/textures/2381
Light Environment: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19045595/TF2/Maps/bonus/bonus_lightenv.zip

Submit your jumps to me via PM, Steam, or email (john@jump.tf, title: jump_bonus jump submission - name)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 03:21:27 AM by John »


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Basic rules n stuff:
-5 Bonuses MAX per gamer/mapper
-Don't make super gay bonuses
-Don't make bonuses that takes half the grid (aka super large stuff)
-Don't make super hard bonuses (t6 stuff)
-I believe a the bonuses aren't a bonus course, but one jump.
-Use the right skybox and light enviroments
-Make sure the jump isn't broken
-NO Button jumps
Shoutout to Exile, Benroads, and John for organizing this great collab!
I'm looking forward to all the bonuses!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 03:47:06 PM by Wunderbar »
Why do you read this like it doesn't even matter just read my message its probably more important


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Is there a specific class or just any jumps either class can beat


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Is there a specific class or just any jumps either class can beat

Jumps for only soldier or only demo are fine. If your jump can be done by both, that's great. If not, that's fine.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 11:47:32 PM by John »


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I'm curious to how submitting maps works. Could you explain it? Do they just send the download to the map made in Hammer then you import it onto the already premade map?


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You send me the .vmf so I can just copy paste it and modify it afterwards.


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If I get time I might make some euphoric gimmick jumps.


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Since ideally this will be on Tempus eventually you should probably avoid using trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes to modify stuff, you might be able to have a full "reset" trigger but I'm not sure if it will work properly in multiplayer.

also no weebs


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Still have no idea if the add_attributes stuff even works on Tempus anyway (can someone please just test like my dum airstrike map or something similar), so I'm avoiding using it anyway.

(besides the reset triggers aren't exactly foolproof so its only good for mapwide effects at the moment anyway)


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i would like to reserve 75% of the grid

As long as it's no meme-thingy-dank-musclelymen-guys then it's fine :)


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we have like 5 jumps now or something so send the rest soon pls