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Post Tip of the Hats 2016 Discussion Thread

Vexon · 89 · 16801


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I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this years jump section for Tip of The Hats. For everyone who got to play, you all did great and good job, for those who didn't get to play, I am very sorry as a lot of the event took a lot longer than it was supposed to. The the "little" commentary at the beginning with Melon and I ended up not being so little, and the blind race took longer than expected. I am aware of these problems and I will not be making these mistakes again next year, that is, if I am doing Jumper toth again. For those of you who got to do showcases, you all did really well and the maps were completed on time so thank you for that.

This thread is for everyone to put their two cents in about what went wrong, what went right, and what can be changed to better improve next years stream. It's best to do this now while we all have this fresh on our minds, so let's hear what you guys have to say about jumper toth 2016.
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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based on the response of the staff and viewers this year was a big success, very happy with how it turned out


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needs more hyperdan honestly.

okay jokes aside, i think it went really well. the movies were really good but i felt like some parts like the blind race (like you mentioned) dragged on too long.


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The jumping segment really needs to be expanded considering it is one of the most popular segments of the whole event and we always go over schedule. Maybe something like 2 blocks on different days that are an hour and a half each? Also, conc race between shegetz, myself, mohr and kairu for next year's donation incentive tbh.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 07:17:04 PM by Zike »


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For next year perhaps you could have only new maps getting showcases, and old maps being raced. This could cut down on the schedule bloat. Also it might be an idea to set aside 5-10 minutes of nothing just as a buffer, but I guess the pubs act as that already since nobody really cares about them.


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other than some of the things dragging to long the event was a great success!  :D


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I think you did a great job with the jump segment.  The movies were amazing, and the tutorial part was a good idea even though, like you said, it did maybe run a little long.  I can also see how the racing could have gotten a little monotonous after a while.  I personally would have liked to see more demo jumping as well.  Also fewer bshear shoutouts.

Overall though I think you did a great job with it.


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More questions, fewer donations. I didn't like that they were just rattling them off super fast leaving us just sitting there waiting to interject to get back to the jumping. It's great that a lot of money was raised during it, but that should really happen during a pub section when no one is trying to showcase something.

The cameraman needs to be faster when changing servers. I also didn't like that we had to tell production to change to the game view, they should change to the game view once they get in the server so the on site hosts know that we're in the game and we can move it on. They only see what the stream sees so having the camera stay on them means they think we aren't ready, and it takes like 10 seconds for us to get ready on each map.

I wasn't a huge fan of the tutorial thing, just because it felt like it dragged on for a bit too long, BUT I would want to see what the general public thought about it because if they like it then we should do it again, although maybe less in depth.

Logistically we should have one guy that is just moving people in and out of channels so the people talking don't have to worry about it.

Otherwise it was great.


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I don't think we need 2 people for showcases to be honest. The tombrady showcase was a lot of standing around watching the other person jump, and it just slowed things down and didn't really add anything. I get that more people want to be involved, but compare our section of toth to the surf section we were super slow at everything. I'm pretty sure they got through more maps in their hour than we did in two. They had a new map every five minutes, and it was really interesting to see lots of types of maps. My suggestion is to keep everything short and sweet, by just doing standard playthroughs and races, with maybe only 5 people per race, but 5 races being done in the section. 25 people are then involved, it's easier to spectate, and in theory is easier to organize.


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1. First of all, overall it was definitely much better this year than the last one imo, and you did improve on a lot of the stuff I said on the last suggestion thread. But I think that while it started off really strong it began to slow down after the jump_tombrady map run. I think it was mainly because the main casters (the toth sided ones) started to talk more and you guys less, cause I really enjoyed the discord banter and all of that other shit at the start. It was funny af while still keeping it informative at times and I think most people would agree that is the perfect combo. Evidently enough twitch chat was also going the wildest around that time; meaning that was when the stream was the most engaging.
Solution –  if you guys can keep what was going on up until the end of the jump_tombrady run (commentary wise) throughout the entire section that would be ideal. I think it was the perfect mix of explaining and banter needed for this sort of thing WHILE still having the jumpers commentate which is what keeps the audience engaged imo.

More specific complaints:
2. At the start with that intro tutorial thing, they (the toth sided casters) kind of did the same thing I mentioned in point 1: they took your guys’ stage over in a few places which this time really fucked you over when you wanted to explain some shit because they basically interrupted mid tutorial and that's why it took way too long probably.
Solution – assert dominance, don’t let them take your stage, ESPECIALLY (but not only) when you’re explaining important shit like you did at the start. That way no time is wasted and everything goes a lot faster.

3. I didn't hear you guys saying the jump_4dakids collab map was the blind race, it could've just been me spacing out and not listening for a moment but even then it didn't seem obvious enough that it was the blind race.
Solution – remember to point important stuff like that a few times and make them clear throughout (even for people that just tuned in for example or for the ADD fellas out there) but obviously don't exaggerate with it too.

4. Another complaint is overall slowness. Like you mentioned with the tutorial and with the blind race - I already gave my two cents on improving the tutorial, and the blind race length can simply be solved by blind racing an easier map or a shorter one (or not blind racing at all). But I also wanna point out the slowness with the technical stuff, eg: changing maps and moving on from one thing to another.
Solution – I think there should be a one guy ready to switch maps or servers right when the races are over and he should be ready on that shit at any given time and also be in charge on keeping all the technical stuff (with their entirety) going smooth as butter, which includes organizing the jumpers and all that sort of shit too. And I mean someone who is also not voice casting at the same time so it'll be more effective. I actually wouldn't mind doing that sort of shit tbh, but I'm pretty sure there must someone else wouldn’t mind doing that too, so... Just keep in a mind a guy like that would be very helpful. (Also, yea I do realize you can't control EVERYTHING, and sometimes things are out of your reach, but some stuff can definitely be improved and that is my aim with that guy in charge of the technical stuff).

5. Which leads to my final point: the camera guy needs to understand his shit too. Alternatively another guy should be in contact with him throughout (maybe even the guy in charge with the technical stuff from point 4) and tell him who and where to point his camera at so that he doesn't miss fairly big chunks of gameplay nor keeps spectating the same jumps.

In conclusion, like I said, overall this jump section was a major improvement from last year and I consider it fairly successful, but by improving the things I mentioned it can be perfect. Also I definitely think you (Vexon) should manage next year's jump section because you've already acquired the experience and you know what to improve on.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 08:30:34 PM by .flac »


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I don't think we need 2 people for showcases to be honest. The tombrady showcase was a lot of standing around watching the other person jump, and it just slowed things down and didn't really add anything. I get that more people want to be involved, but compare our section of toth to the surf section we were super slow at everything. I'm pretty sure they got through more maps in their hour than we did in two. They had a new map every five minutes, and it was really interesting to see lots of types of maps. My suggestion is to keep everything short and sweet, by just doing standard playthroughs and races, with maybe only 5 people per race, but 5 races being done in the section. 25 people are then involved, it's easier to spectate, and in theory is easier to organize.

I suggested 2 people for the showcases since in 2015 there were a few spots where the jumper got stuck and it meant the stream was watching the same jump for 3+ mins until they finally got it. The idea of having 2 people was to spectate whoever was in the lead though, not for the leading player to wait for the other to catch up.


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I had the servers prepped and ready with the maps and basically waiting for the vexon and the casters to finish talking and switch to the appropriate servers, but that didn't happen and I get ignored, and then I'm just siting there waiting for something to mess up because the plan fell apart and then waste time fixing it.


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Overall I feel it was pretty good, we helped raise a bit of money and seemed to be fairly popular as per previous years.

Possible changes might include instead of a tutorial having a sfm/video introduction which outlines the basics of jumping before anything starts.

Otherwise the only other major thing I can think of is ways of getting twitch chat/couch participation into a part of the jump segment. Could be something kooky like letting chat select map; something we might all need to think on.


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I had the servers prepped and ready with the maps and basically waiting for the vexon and the casters to finish talking and switch to the appropriate servers, but that didn't happen and I get ignored, and then I'm just siting there waiting for something to mess up because the plan fell apart and then waste time fixing it.

I really want to apologize for this, I got super overwhelmed and I couldn't handle everything on my plate fast enough. Next year I will have a co-host who will help me set it all up (like the previous year with guyyst and I), and who can take some of the weight off my shoulders.
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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races/map runs featuring more than two people are so awful to watch imo

the camera man always fumbles around and we end up seeing either the same jump for half the segment or missing out of parts of the map completely

stop inspecting ur weapon rise holy shit

guyyst lagbinding on steam