Can anyone confirm that the "mod_air_control" item attribute is directly related to airaccel and airaccel only?
Edit: For the base jumper, valve dev wiki lists these variables:
tf_parachute_aircontrol : 2.5f : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Multiplier for how much air control players have when Parachute is deployed
tf_parachute_gravity : 0.2f : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Gravity while parachute is deployed
tf_parachute_maxspeed_onfire_z : 10.0f : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Max Z Speed when on Fire and Parachute is deployed
tf_parachute_maxspeed_xy : 400.0f : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Max XY Speed while Parachute is deployed
tf_parachute_maxspeed_z : -100.0f : , "sv", "rep", "launcher" : Max Z Speed while Parachute is deployed
Also, there is just "accelerate" along with airaccelerate, which is also set to 10 by default.