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An explanation to Bounces, Edgebugs, and Angled Wallbugs.

Reich | Jump.tf

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These are my explanations for these Bugs. I did some studying and these are my findings.

Note: This more than likely doesn't explain rampbugs. I did numerous tests on ramps where I rampbugged and found no consistency between them. But I know that rampbugs are consistent, I just can't explain it.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 07:33:45 AM by Reich | Jump.tf »


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I made a rampbug test map if that can help. You enter a momentum cancelling tele, then get teled inside a catapult very close to a ramp, it catapults you at 3500u/s in a very specefic angle. I found 1 angle that works everytime in some situation.
Current version of the map is that 1 angle used on 10 different setup, some work, some doesn't. Most of the ramps are 45°, but I also made 2 different ramps and calculated the launch angle of the catapult for those so you reach the ramp at the same angle, but unfortunatly you dont rampbug.
When I started moving the tele destination up or down, sometime you keep rampbugging, sometime it breaks and you slide. I can't put the pieces together why sometime it works and sometime it doesn't. Maybe this can help someone smarter tho!

vmf and bsp:

For bounces, rnc made a thread about the reason behind the pseudo ground and Ze Ubermensch posted something that looked like explained it:


And for wallbugs, there's 4 other "types" of wallbugs that are still a mystery to me:
  • Coordinate Wallbugs (https://jump.tf/forum/index.php/topic,2065.msg16718.html#msg16718). We know how to make them, but why they happen is a mystery....
  • Func_brush wallbugs. When you just randomly wallbug when wallpogoing. Used on how c2-13 to clear the hole as solly. It's a bit consistent on that jump where you seem to be able to get a wallbug every 15-30sec usually. It seems to be related to your angle but idk for sure. Also if you do mat_wireframe 2 for that jump on how, the line near the bottom of the wall seem to be where you usually get the wallbug, if that means anything
  • There's a weird consistent flat wall wallbug on sore 3rd last. It's under the wall that you can stick as demo, it works very well and seem to work exactly like a coordinate wallbug, except I decompiled the map and it's not. No idea what it is. There's the same thing on jump_start last, under the wall that you can stick as demo for the long downpogo part.
  • And lately scotch made a very interesting bonus on jump_flux (bonus 1), you can wallbug the yellow line for 2 plats very consistently. Again it looks like its a coordinate wallbug, except it's not. It only wallbugs in the middle of the wall (yellow line) and not on all the plats like that. We suspect it's related to the hundreds of cut the plats have, but they are all made the same way and some works and some doesn't...

Reich | Jump.tf

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Ah, yea, the Pseudo ground thing should be the answer to bounces. Wallbugs are still stupid tho


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always wondered why sometimes you just walk off on edgebugs instead of edgebugging
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌